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Blockchain Developer Nanodegree project 3 (Supply chain )

This repository containts an Ethereum DApp that demonstrates a Supply Chain flow between a Seller and Buyer. The user story is similar to any commonly used supply chain process. A Seller can add items to the inventory system stored in the blockchain. A Buyer can purchase such items from the inventory system. Additionally a Seller can mark an item as Shipped, and similarly a Buyer can mark an item as Received.

Project write-up - UML







Classes (Data Model)


Project write-up - Libraries

The Roles library was used by different access control contracts for easy add and remove in the supply chain truffle-hd-wallet-provider to sign transactions for addresses.


IPFS is not used in this project

Program Versions numbers

Node: v10.15.3 Solidity: v0.4.24 Truffle: v5.0.25 Web3.js: v1.0.0-beta37

Contract address on the Rinkeby test network (Etherscan):

Transaction ID and contract address


Network name: 'rinkeby' Network id: 4 Block gas limit: 0x989677


Deploying 'Migrations'

transaction hash: 0x1a02bb12fc80417e2ad1bd56250775110126d74e48fbb03041ae98b24ff92052 Blocks: 1 Seconds: 21 contract address: 0x302cfAe2e65F6651f3fDB5fAe6f635ca62CA567b block number: 5625069 block timestamp: 1576515319 account: 0x1D4396D3DfdFFFB57e2Ae580f175E7DFCf08759A balance: 0.97167573 gas used: 238594 gas price: 10 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.00238594 ETH

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.00238594 ETH


Deploying 'FarmerRole'

transaction hash: 0x79b84bba9672baeb0181fa97016e03510903903052a19f4a4a6f0168627ef9ca Blocks: 1 Seconds: 12 contract address: 0xa041c902B5E6a8a83c9A3cf6D55C65183eb2462f block number: 5625071 block timestamp: 1576515349 account: 0x1D4396D3DfdFFFB57e2Ae580f175E7DFCf08759A balance: 0.96674205 gas used: 451020 gas price: 10 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0045102 ETH

Deploying 'DistributorRole'

transaction hash: 0xf245353475ad170ce060d54680cb2003f8abf9ecdef52db245791b3ca9f79b41 Blocks: 0 Seconds: 9 contract address: 0xaf1624F9BA8972070eE42311684BE921000355b1 block number: 5625072 block timestamp: 1576515364 account: 0x1D4396D3DfdFFFB57e2Ae580f175E7DFCf08759A balance: 0.96223113 gas used: 451092 gas price: 10 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.00451092 ETH

Deploying 'RetailerRole'

transaction hash: 0xec3342fef968e5791df950cf6e1ba8b037d348b11f26e8f5a58f2cb41e6523fe Blocks: 0 Seconds: 9 contract address: 0xaf4Cb7bb1ED23FA76f18E34261BE81584Bc6c792 block number: 5625073 block timestamp: 1576515379 account: 0x1D4396D3DfdFFFB57e2Ae580f175E7DFCf08759A balance: 0.95772033 gas used: 451080 gas price: 10 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.0045108 ETH

Deploying 'ConsumerRole'

transaction hash: 0x0346a0f1176aacbc2f70d695d25d3ff0bc2b2c5b7b29257e530a3c63510a595a Blocks: 0 Seconds: 7 contract address: 0x59Fb032D660d3830Ec24729D6A57286c8Cef0dd8 block number: 5625074 block timestamp: 1576515394 account: 0x1D4396D3DfdFFFB57e2Ae580f175E7DFCf08759A balance: 0.95320977 gas used: 451056 gas price: 10 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.00451056 ETH

Deploying 'SupplyChain'

transaction hash: 0x33d25ff003526fa072304b4fcb2921d8e160c37b3cd70292d6a842cf6cecbb49 Blocks: 1 Seconds: 10 contract address: 0x66c0486577009EC26A9429B1E38657Ba0fa5c2B0 block number: 5625075 block timestamp: 1576515409 account: 0x1D4396D3DfdFFFB57e2Ae580f175E7DFCf08759A balance: 0.92025103 gas used: 3295874 gas price: 10 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.03295874 ETH

Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0.05100122 ETH


Total deployments: 6 Final cost: 0.05338716 ETH

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Please make sure you've already installed ganache-cli, Truffle and enabled MetaMask extension in your browser.

Give examples (to be clarified)


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

Clone this repository:

git clone

Change directory to project-6 folder and install all requisite npm packages (as listed in package.json):

cd project-6
npm install

Launch Ganache:

ganache-cli -m "spirit supply whale amount human item harsh scare congress discover talent hamster"

Your terminal should look something like this:

truffle test

In a separate terminal window, Compile smart contracts:

truffle compile

Your terminal should look something like this:

truffle test

This will create the smart contract artifacts in folder build\contracts.

Migrate smart contracts to the locally running blockchain, ganache-cli:

truffle migrate

Your terminal should look something like this:

truffle test

Test smart contracts:

truffle test

All 10 tests should pass.

truffle test

In a separate terminal window, launch the DApp:

npm run dev

Built With

  • Ethereum - Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts
  • IPFS - IPFS is the Distributed Web | A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
  • Truffle Framework - Truffle is the most popular development framework for Ethereum with a mission to make your life a whole lot easier.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


  • Solidity
  • Ganache-cli
  • Truffle
  • IPFS


Ethereum Decentralized Application for Tracking Items through Supply Chain







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