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iuryt committed Sep 7, 2022
1 parent 1705557 commit 09b7d4a
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Showing 8 changed files with 75 additions and 186 deletions.
Binary file modified reports/figures/data_driven_initial_conditions.png
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Binary file modified reports/figures/integrated_new_production.png
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Binary file modified reports/figures/mld_n2.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
78 changes: 68 additions & 10 deletions src/01-model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import xarray as xr
from xhistogram.xarray import histogram
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from cmcrameri import cm

chla = xr.open_dataset("../../data/interim/")
chla = chla.assign(biomass=chla.CPHL_ADJUSTED*(16/(0.06*106*14)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,24 +56,64 @@ def func_shortwave(t, a, b, c, d):
titles["chla"] = f"{popt_chla[0]}(tanh({popt_chla[1]}(z+{-popt_chla[2]}))+1)/2 "

x = xr.DataArray(np.arange(-50,50+1), dims="x")*1e3
y = xr.DataArray(np.arange(-250,250+1), dims="y")*1e3
z = xr.DataArray(np.arange(-1000,0+1), dims="z")

L = (99)*1e3/10
amp = 1e3
g = 9.82
ρₒ = 1026

# background density profile based on Argo data
bg = lambda z: -0.147 * np.tanh( 2.6 * ( z + 623 ) / 1000 ) - 1027.6

# decay function for fronts
decay = lambda z: ( np.tanh( (z + 500) / 300) + 1 ) / 2

# front function
front = lambda x, y, z, cy: np.tanh( ( y - ( cy + np.sin(np.pi * x / L) * amp ) ) / 12e3 )

D = lambda x, y, z: bg(z) + 0.8*decay(z)*((front(x, y, z, -100e3)+front(x, y, z, 0)+front(x, y, z, 100e3))-3)/6

B = lambda x, y, z: -(g/ρₒ)*D(x, y, z)

bi = B(x,y,z).assign_coords(x=x, y=y, z=z).mean("x")

def make_figure():
colors = {
"obs": "#1E88E5",
"model": "#D81B60",

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6), constrained_layout=True)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), constrained_layout=True)
ax = fig.subplot_mosaic(
["pden", "chla"],
["no3", "shortwave"],
["pden", "b", "b"],
["shortwave", "chla", "no3"],

_ = (argo.PDEN-1000)[::100].plot.line(ax=ax["pden"], y="z", ylim=[1000,0], lw=0, marker="o", color=colors["obs"])
_ = (argo.PDENf-1000).plot.line(ax=ax["pden"], y="z", ylim=[1000,0], color=colors["model"])
ax["pden"].text(0.5, 0.02, "Argo", ha="center", color="0.3", fontsize=12, transform=ax["pden"].transAxes)

bi.plot.contour(ax=ax["b"], levels=15, colors="0.2")
cbar_kwargs=dict(label="$\partial_y$b [s$^{-2}$]"),

cdf_chla.plot.contourf(ax=ax["chla"], levels=[0.2,0.8], colors=colors["obs"], alpha=0.5, extend="neither", add_colorbar=False)
cdf_chla.plot.contour(ax=ax["chla"], levels=[0.5], colors=colors["obs"])
ax["chla"].text(0.5, 0.02, "BioArgo", ha="center", color="0.3", fontsize=12, transform=ax["chla"].transAxes)
Expand All @@ -100,18 +140,28 @@ def make_figure():

xlabel="y [km]",
ylabel="z [m]",
xticks = np.arange(-200,200+1,100)*1e3,
xticklabels = np.arange(-200,200+1,100),

ylabel="z [m]",
xlabel="Chl-a [mmol N m$^{-3}$]",
xlabel="Phytoplankton ($\mathcal{P}\,$)\n[mmol N m$^{-3}$]",

ylabel="z [m]",
xlabel="Nitrate [mmol N m$^{-3}$]"
xlabel="Nitrate ($\mathcal{N}_n\,$)\n[mmol N m$^{-3}$]"

Expand All @@ -121,18 +171,26 @@ def make_figure():
# title=f"{a} sin( 2$\pi$ ( t + t$_0$ ) / {b} + {c} ) + {d}"

_ = [ax[k].grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) for k in ax]
letters = "a b c d".split()
_ = [ax[k].set(title=f"{letter})"+50*" ") for k,letter in zip(ax, letters)]
letters = "a b c d e".split()
for k,letter in zip(ax, letters):
whitespace = 70 if k=="b" else 30
ax[k].set(title=f"{letter})"+whitespace*" ")

# kw = dict(fontsize=9, color=colors["model"], rotation=90, va="center")
# _ = [ax[k].text(0.93,0.5,titles[k], **kw, transform=ax[k].transAxes) for k in titles]

return fig,ax

fig,ax = make_figure()
fig.savefig("../../reports/figures/data_driven_initial_conditions.png", facecolor="w", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
fig.savefig("../../reports/figures/data_driven_initial_conditions.png", facecolor="w", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/01-model/02-submesoscale.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ const ρₒ = 1026
@inline B(x, y, z) = -(g/ρₒ)*D(x, y, z)

# initial phytoplankton profile
@inline P(x, y, z) = 0.1 * ( tanh( 0.01 * (z + 300)) + 1) / 2
@inline P(x, y, z) = 0.2 * ( tanh( 0.01 * (z + 300)) + 1) / 2

# initial nitrate profile
@inline N(x, y, z) = z * (12 - 16) / (0 + 800) + 12
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/02-analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
C1 = (
).plot.contourf(ax=a, **ps[p]["kw"])
a.set(xlim=[1,80], ylabel="y [km]", xlabel="time [days]")
a.set(xlim=[1,40], ylabel="y [km]", xlabel="time [days]")
text = a.text(0.97, 0.03, data[k]["label"],
transform=a.transAxes, **kw_text)
text.set_path_effects([path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='w'),
Expand Down
173 changes: 3 additions & 170 deletions src/02-analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
mus = [0.5,0.75,1.0,1.25]

for k in data:
for k in tqdm(data):
data[k]["D"] = dict()
for mu in mus:
ds = xr.open_dataset(f"../../data/raw/output_{k}{sinking_text}_mu{mu}.nc").isel(time=slice(None,None,3))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,8 @@
integ = xr.concat(integ,"mu")


colors = ["0.1","0.4","0.7","0.8"]
titles = [
Expand All @@ -129,172 +131,3 @@
_ = [a.set(ylabel="") for a in ax[1:]]
fig.savefig(f"../../reports/figures/integrated_new_production{sinking_text}.png", facecolor="w", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")


# step = 5
# bins = np.arange(-(100+step/2),100+step/2,step)

# nflux = (submeso.w*submeso.N*86400).sel(zC=slice(-100,0))
# = "N_flux"

# H = histogram(nflux, bins=bins, dim=["xC", "yC"]).T

# fig,ax = plt.subplots()
# H.sum("zC").plot(robust=True)
# nflux.median(["xC", "yC", "zC"]).plot(x="time")
# ax.set(ylim=[-50,50])

# submeso_mld = submeso.interp(zC=-submeso.h).compute()
# coarse_mld = coarse.interp(zC=-coarse.h).compute()

# tis = [15,25,50]
# vm = 0.04
# kw = dict(
# nflux=dict(vmin=-vm, vmax=vm, add_colorbar=False, cmap="seismic")
# )
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,len(tis))
# for col,ti in enumerate(tis):
# C = (submeso_mld.w*submeso_mld.N).sel(time=ti).plot(ax=ax[0,col], **kw["nflux"])
# (coarse_mld.w*coarse_mld.N).sel(time=ti).plot(ax=ax[1,col], **kw["nflux"])
# fig.colorbar(C, ax=ax)

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,len(tis))
# for col,ti in enumerate(tis):
# C = (submeso.w*submeso.N).sel(zC=-100, time=ti, method="nearest").plot(ax=ax[0,col], **kw["nflux"])
# (coarse.w*coarse.N).sel(zC=-100, time=ti, method="nearest").plot(ax=ax[1,col], **kw["nflux"])
# fig.colorbar(C, ax=ax)

# submeso.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").plot()
# coarse.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").plot()

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
# submeso.h.mean("xC").plot(ax=ax[0])
# coarse.h.mean("xC").plot(ax=ax[1])

# submeso_coarsen = submeso.h.mean("xC").coarsen(yC=10).mean().interp(yC=coarse.yC)

# fig,ax = plt.subplots()
# (submeso_coarsen-coarse.h.mean("xC")).plot(vmin=-100,vmax=100,cmap="RdBu")
# vm = 10
# (submeso_coarsen-coarse.h.mean("xC")).plot.contour(levels=[-vm,vm], colors="0.2")
# ax.axvline(-50)
# ax.axvline(170)

# data = dict(
# submeso=dict(D=submeso, label="1 km"),
# coarse=dict(D=coarse, label="10 km"),
# )

# fig,ax = plt.subplots(3,1)

# for p,a in zip(["P", "N", "new_production"], np.ravel(ax)):

# dims = ["xC", "yC", "zC"]
# average = lambda A: A.mean(dims)

# for D in [submeso, coarse]:
# var = average((86400*D[p]))
# # print(var.sel(time=slice(12,80)).integrate("time"))
# var.plot(ax=a)
# a.set(xlim=[0,80])

# # z_mld = (submeso.zC/submeso.h).chunk({"time":1})
# # = "z_mld"

# # nflux = (submeso.w*submeso.N).chunk({"time":1})*86400
# # = "nflux"

# # bins = [
# # np.linspace(-2,0,20),
# # np.linspace(-1e3,1e3,700),
# # ]
# # H = histogram(z_mld, nflux, bins=bins).load()
# # H = H/H.sum("nflux_bin")

# # # H.sel(nflux_bin=slice(-60,60)).plot(vmax=0.01)
# # ((H*H.nflux_bin).sum("nflux_bin")/H.sum("nflux_bin")).plot(y="z_mld_bin", color="r")
# # # H.cumsum("nflux_bin").plot.contour(levels=[0.01,0.2,0.5,0.8,0.99], colors="0.5")

# # z_mld = (coarse.zC/coarse.h).chunk({"time":1})
# # = "z_mld"

# # nflux = (coarse.w*coarse.N).chunk({"time":1})*86400
# # = "nflux"

# # bins = [
# # np.linspace(-2,0,20),
# # np.linspace(-1e3,1e3,700),
# # ]
# # H = histogram(z_mld, nflux, bins=bins).load()
# # H = H/H.sum("nflux_bin")

# # # H.sel(nflux_bin=slice(-60,60)).plot(vmax=0.01)
# # ((H*H.nflux_bin).sum("nflux_bin")/H.sum("nflux_bin")).plot(y="z_mld_bin", color="r")
# # # H.cumsum("nflux_bin").plot.contour(levels=[0.01,0.2,0.5,0.8,0.99], colors="0.5")

# # bins = [
# # np.linspace(0,1e-7,50),
# # np.linspace(0,0.1,50),
# # ]

# # zmin = -100
# # H = histogram(submeso.sel(zC=slice(zmin,0))["∇b"].chunk({"time":1}),
# # 86400*submeso.sel(zC=slice(zmin,0)).new_production.chunk({"time":1}), bins=bins).compute()
# # H.plot(robust=True)

# # H = histogram(coarse.sel(zC=slice(zmin,0))["∇b"].chunk({"time":1}),
# # 86400*coarse.sel(zC=slice(zmin,0)).new_production.chunk({"time":1}), bins=bins).compute()
# # H.plot(robust=True)

# # submeso.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").plot()
# # coarse.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").plot()

# # tslice = slice(12,80)

# # da = 86400*submeso.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").sel(time=tslice)
# # da = (da*np.gradient(da.time)).cumsum("time")

# # db = 86400*coarse.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").sel(time=tslice)
# # db = (db*np.gradient(db.time)).cumsum("time")

# # ((da-db)/db).plot()

# submeso.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).T.sel(zC=slice(-60,0), time=slice(12,80)).plot.contourf(levels=10,vmax=3e-5)
# coarse.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).T.sel(zC=slice(-60,0), time=slice(12,80)).plot.contourf(levels=10,vmax=3e-5)

# submeso.new_production.mean(["xC"]).integrate("zC").T.sel(time=slice(12,80)).plot.contourf(levels=10,vmin=0, vmax=1e-3)
# coarse.new_production.mean(["xC"]).integrate("zC").T.sel(time=slice(12,80)).plot.contourf(levels=10,vmin=0, vmax=1e-3)

# submeso.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").T.sel(time=slice(12,80)).plot()
# coarse.new_production.mean(["xC", "yC"]).integrate("zC").T.sel(time=slice(12,80)).plot()
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/02-analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,18 +148,16 @@

kw = lambda vm: dict(vmin=-vm,vmax=vm,levels=np.arange(-vm,vm+20,20),cmap="bwr",add_colorbar=False)
ti = 15
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(10,7))
Expand Down

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