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Thank you for getting to this point. This repository was created for a project to learn Playwright with JS. "Playwright JS Automation Testing from Scratch with Framework" from UDEMY. For this training the instructor also provided a 3hours basic training in JavaScript. Trainer: Rahul Shetty.

Note: By section 11 I had to change the example being used for training. For some reason I was investing too much time troubleshooting the teacher's code on my end. I decided to take a project that had an online demo instance that I could use. I picked "Fusion Invoice". That demo resets every X amount of minutes so it made sense. I created the whole testing process for: Login, Random Dashboad Verification, Client list verification, New client creation and the validation of the created client. -- The purpose was to be able to continue with the training instead of troubleshooting.

Topics Covered

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Playwright Basic Methods
  • Handling UI Components
  • Playwright Inspectors, Trace Viewers & Codegen tools
  • E2E Web Automation
  • Handling Web Dialogs, Frames & Events Listeners
  • API Testing with Playwright and Build mix of Web & API Tests
  • Session storage & Intercepting Network request/responses
  • Perform Visual Testing with Playwright Algorithms
  • Page Object Patterns & Data Driven Parameterization for Playwright Tests
  • Project Configurations & Config options for robust Framework design
  • Test Retries , Serial & Parallel execution & Tagging Tests in Playwright
  • HTML & Allure Reporting & CI/CD Jenkins Integration

Install / Usage Process (My personal setup)

  1. Installed VS Code.
  2. Installed NodeJS.
  3. Added Environment Variables (see below for Windows 10 PRO x64).
  4. Create a folder > load in VS Code > open terminal and type npm init playwright this will download needed files.
    • Select JavaScript (in my case)
    • Folder name for tests: test
    • GitHub Actions: true

Setting up Environment Variables in Windows 10 PRO x64


  • NodeJS
  • The path to node.exe, usually C:\Program Files\nodejs
  1. Press Start > Write environment > Click Edit the system variables environment
  2. Click Environment Variables
  3. Under System variables, click New
    • Variable Name = NODE_HOME
    • Variable Value = C:\Program Files\nodejs
  4. Ok > Ok

Notes from the training per section

Section 2. Setup & Basics

npx playwright test
Runs the end-to-end tests.

npx playwright test --project=chromium
Runs the tests only on Desktop Chrome.

npx playwright test tests\example.spec.js
Runs the tests of a specific file.

npx playwright test --debug
Runs the tests in debug mode.
  • Before every step we need to write the keyword 'await' and add async to the function
  • ()=> same as function() without names
  • Playwright runs automatically in headless mode
  • npx playwright test --headed to run in headed mode
  • test.only('title', async({page})) => {...} here .only will force the runner to only run this test in the file

Section 3. Playwright Basic Methods

  • Selectors CSS and XPATH
  • Rules to write CSS selectors
  • JS doesn't follow a process to run lines
If IF is present
css -> tagname#id (or) #id

If class attribute is present
css -> tagname.class (or) .class

Write css based on any attribute
css -> [attribute='value']

Write css with traversing from Parent to Child
css -> parenttagname >> childtagname

If needs to write the locator based on text

Section 4. Handling UI Components

  • Selectors CSS and XPATH
  • When action is performed inside () then the await must be inside with the location.

Section 5. Playwright Inspectors, Trace Viewers & Codegen tools

  • Used for debugging
  • --debug
  • Explore can help inspect UI objects to generate selectors
  • Record and Playback
    • npx playwright codegen [website]
  • Reporting with Screenshot
    • Inside of config > Use
      • Add: screenshot : 'on', trace : 'on',

Section 6. E2E Web Automation

  • await page.locator("h3:has-text(productName)") another method to find elements

Section 8. API Testing with Playwright and Build mix of Web & API Tests

  • API will get the response, front will render the data and present
  • End points
  • Apps are driven by session cookies
  • Use token for multiple test cases instead of login
  • One test case will store the token

Section 9. Session storage & Intercepting Network request/responses

  • Method: storage state ==> JSON File
  • Login, save JSON, inject JSON on all test
  • New instance (context) pass the json
  • Storage happens at the context level, not at the page level
  • to Debug - package.json, under Debug, "Scripts" > "test" and pass the command
    • Debug npm script mode (Shift Ctrl + P)
    • when debugging increase timeout time
  • Keep in mind each Endpoint and responses
  • Intercept response instead of deleting all data
  • Interception basically is using .route(). Url you want to intercept and continue to the url you want to redirect
  • page.route('**/*.css', route => route.abort()); any url
    • page.route('**/*.{css,jpg,png,jpeg}', route => route.abort());
  • page.on('request', request => console.log(request.url()));
  • page.on('response', request => console.log(response.url(), response.status()));

Section 10. Perform Visual Testing with Playwright Algorithms

  • File to File comparison - Test to compare 2 screenshots

Section 11. Page Object Patterns & Data Driven Parameterization for Playwright Tests

  • Test case should be wrapped in its own logic file
  • Login should be go in its own JS File
  • When using a JSON File to send test data: JSON -> String -> JS Object
    • Driving the data test from external files
  • Parameterization w/ different data set
    • Make JSON as an array
    • For data set (multiple test data) encapsule inside for-loop
    • ${data.userType} is no differentiate the test data from the Json... ` this quote type is important
    • Fixture -> crate

Section 12. Project Configurations & Config options for robust Framework design

  • Run multiple configurtion files
  • Single file with Project array
  • Have to specify the project to run

Section 13. Test Retries , Serial & Parallel execution & Tagging Tests in Playwright

  • Running in serial - Default
  • For parallel - workers 5 by default.
  • for tests inside one single file, pass the following parameter
    • test.describe.configure({mode:'parallel}) -- inside the test file, at the top
    • serial mode, upon fail of a test, it will stop the rest of the test
  • Tagging:
    • example test('@Web .... @API....
    • npx playwright test --grep="@Web"

Section 14. HTML & Allure Reporting & CI/CD Jenkins Integration

  • Install Allue Playwright > npm i -D allure
  • Run partial test using allure: npx playwright test --grep="@Web" --reporter=line,allure-playwright
  • Generate Report: allure generate .\allure-results\ --clean
  • Open the report: allure open .\allure-report\
  • Issue related to "allure: The term 'allure' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet
  • Issue related to scripts is disabled on this system...
    • Solution: Delete File C:\Users\Ivan\AppData\Roaming\npm\allure.ps1
  • Start Jenkins: java -jar jenkins.war -httpPort=9090
    • New
    • Title, Freestyle
    • Description
    • This project is parameterized (add Name and choices)
    • Custom Path
    • Build: Windows batch --> npm run "%Script%"
    • Shell: npm run "$Script" (Shell)


Playwright training






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