This is a simple service to authenticate users via Google OAuth and use it as an authentication middleware in a bundle with Traefik
- Go to create an Oauth credentials client
- If it is first time - configure OAuth consent screen
- Change the default project if needed
- Enter your homepage link, support and dev emails, authorized domains
- Choose scopes to request
- Choose test users (if required)
- Go to create an Oauth credentials client
- Web client
- Name it, add authorized redirects and click create
Method | URL | Description |
/health |
Healthcheck which returns Code 200 |
/auth/login |
Redirect to login page with required scopes for provided client id |
/auth/token |
Get JWT token by passing user code { "code": "<code>"} after auth on |
/internal/auth/token |
Get JWT token by passing user code in the query after auth on |
/auth/check |
Checks the token and returns code 200 with Headers: X-Auth-Id with user email, X-Auth-User with user name |
/auth/refresh |
Refresh token with a new one by passing the old valid one { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUz..." } |
Variable | Default value | Description |
RUST_LOG | info | defines the log level of app |
BIND_ADDRESS | | Address of web server to listen connections |
BIND_PORT | 8080 | Port of web server to listen connections |
JWT_SECRET | -- | JWT HS256 Secret Key |
JWT_ISS | "" | iss (issuer): Issuer of the JWT |
JWT_AUD | "" | aud (audience): Recipient for which the JWT is intended |
JWT_EXP_DAYS | 30 | exp (expiration time): Time in days after which the JWT expires |
JWT_NBF_DAYS | 0 | nbf (not before time): Time in days before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing |
JWT_LEEWAY_SEC | 0 | leeway (in seconds) to the exp , iat and nbf validation to account for clock skew |
G_CLIENT_ID | "" | Google OAuth App client id |
G_CLIENT_SECRET | "" | Google oAuth App client secret |
G_CODE_REDIRECT | "" | Redirect page after login |
G_SCOPE | "" | Scopes to request ref: |
*Bold variables are required to specify
pub struct Claims {
pub iss: String,
pub sub: String,
pub aud: String,
// expired after
pub exp: i64,
// valid not before
pub nbf: i64,
// issued at
pub iat: i64,
// jwt id
pub jti: String,
pub name: String,
pub picture: String,
pub email: String,
// space separated list of scopes
pub oauth_provider: String,
cargo build --release
docker build -t j0rsa/google-oauth-service .
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml up