- Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- Install all dependencies from the
through Homebrew Bundlecurl -fsSLO --output-dir /tmp/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/macOS/Brewfile \ && brew update \ && brew upgrade \ && brew bundle --file /tmp/Brewfile \ && brew cleanup \ && rm /tmp/Brewfile
- Configure Alacritty
curl -fsSLO --create-dirs --output-dir ~/.config/alacritty/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/macOS/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
- Copy
file to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/macOS/.zshenv \ && curl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/macOS/.zshrc
- Copy
file (for Zim) to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/macOS/.zimrc
- Copy
file (for Powerlevel10k) to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/.p10k.zsh
- Reload Zsh configuration
- Copy
file to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/.tmux.conf
- Copy
file to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/macOS/.tigrc
- Install AstroNvim (use unattended installation)
git clone [email protected]:jackblackevo/astronvim_config.git ~/.config/astronvim \ && NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim nvim --headless +q
- Install packages
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && curl -fsSL https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/Ubuntu/pkgs | xargs sudo apt install -y && sudo apt clean
- Copy
file to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/Ubuntu/.zshenv \ && curl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/Ubuntu/.zshrc
- Copy
file (for Zim) to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/Ubuntu/.zimrc
- Copy
file (for Powerlevel10k) to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/.p10k.zsh
- Reload Zsh configuration
- Download & Install Hack Nerd Font
curl -fsSLO --output-dir /mnt/c/temp/ https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Hack/Regular/HackNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf \ && explorer.exe "c:\temp"
- Configure Windows Terminal
{ // actions [ { "command": { "action": "copy", "singleLine": false }, "keys": "ctrl+shift+c" }, { "command": "paste", "keys": "ctrl+shift+v" }, ], // profiles.list "colorScheme": "One Half Dark", "font": { "face": "Hack Nerd Font Mono" }, }
- Set Zsh as default shell
chsh -s $(which zsh)
- Copy
file to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/.tmux.conf
- Install
See: Clipboard integration
Note:- clip.exe does not support UTF-8.
- equalsraf/win32yank#9 (comment)
winget.exe install win32yank
- Make diff-highlight executable
sudo chmod +x $(git --exec-path)/../../share/doc/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight
- Copy
file to home directorycurl -fsSLO --output-dir ~/ https://github.com/jackblackevo/dotfiles/raw/main/Ubuntu/.tigrc
- Install Neovim stable version (release build)
curl -fsSL --create-dirs --output ~/.local/bin/nvim.appimage https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/stable/nvim-linux-x86_64.appimage && chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/nvim.appimage && ln -sf ~/.local/bin/nvim.appimage ~/.local/bin/nvim
- Install AstroNvim (use unattended installation)
git clone [email protected]:jackblackevo/astronvim_config.git ~/.config/astronvim \ && NVIM_APPNAME=astronvim nvim --headless +q