Script to mount my configs on any Debian-based linux distro. Author: Jakku Night (@jakkunight on GitHub and XDA Developers, jakku_night on Twitch and Jakku Night on YouTube.)
This script and configurations are based on my own preferences, so if you want to add or remove features, feel free to fork/clone this repo ( and do your stuffs. I'm not responsable for damaging your system, making your computer blow up or causing a thermonuclear war. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
As part of my job as developer, sometimes I need to be flexible and proficient on my setup configuration. This is something I really love about Linux in general: I can customize my setup in order to make it unique and attractive to me. In order to enjoy my setup configs on every new computer and installed system, and avoiding a waste of my time reconfiguring my environment from the scratch every time I install/restore my system, I made this script to install all the tools I usually need and the configs that I love (like my i3 config, the NeoVim setup, etc).
and the script will do the rest. It will ask you for some configs and preferences before starting (soon) and will install your system tools according to that.