This repo contains an Python/Django application for the enrollXchange website.
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd enrollXchange-back
Copy .env.example
to .env
and adjust it to your configuration.
This project has a docker-compose.yml file which contains the necessary external dependencies. To run these dependencies, you first need to install Docker Desktop. Once this is installed you can run the following:
docker-compose up
Alternatively, you can follow the local setup instruction here.
Now you can visit localhost:8000 from your browser.
We can use black auto-formatter to seamlessly fix code formatting problems.
To utilize this solution, please use the command below.
python -m black {source_file_or_directory}
The docker-compose file runs the following services:
- db: Used as the primary database for the app (postgres)
Note - To stop these service you can type Ctrl-C
in the docker compose terminal which should stop the service. If this doesn't work, then do: docker-compose down
to stop them.
You can also run the dependent services in the background with:
docker-compose up -d
After container has started, you can run own command inside it via:
docker-compose exec {container_name} {command}
For instance you can open containers shell running:
docker-compose exec web sh
The project is automatically deployed on heroku at this address.
Before exporting/importing make sure enrollxchange_db image is up and running.
To export:
docker exec -it enrollxchange_db pg_dump --inserts --clean -U postgres -h localhost postgres > data.sql
To import:
docker exec -i enrollxchange_db psql -U postgres -h localhost postgres -t < data.sql
docker exec -it enrollxchange_web pycodestyle .