This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 5, 2024. It is now read-only.
- Fix for #496: Special case for Huawei devices on pre-N devices
- Fix for #452: Large images on iPhone X don't save sometimes at 100% (thanks @christophedelanghe)
- Fix for #514: Videos on Android 8.1 stop after short time.
- Upgrade to CurrentActivityPlugin 2.0 and Permissions 3.0
- Ability on iOS to specify pop over style
- Fix for #642: Android dock/undock issue
- Fix for #639: Null reference sometimes when can't accessing file on Android.
- Fix for #553: When not rotating image on android ensure we take max width/height into consideration.
- Fix for #545: iOS error sometimes when saving metadata.
- Fix for #608: Possible null on iOS when picking video sometimes.
- Remove need for Android Target versions (always use File Provider via #442 and @ddobrev)
- Enhancments to Android picking front or rare camera (via @WebDucer)
- Fixes for rotations on iOS (return proper exif)
- Remove permission pop up on pick video/photo on iOS 11+
- Better checks on disposing of controllers
- Tizen Support
- iOS: Fix Lat/Long saving
- Android: Fixup issue with url sharing #300 especially with mobileiron
- iOS: Ensure all properties are set when picking photo #305
- Android/iOS check for permissions before performing actions. Will now throw a MediaPermissionException if invalid permissions.
- Android: Fix potential corrupt metadata: #367
- iOS: Handle memory better when taking photos #336
- iOS: Fix issues when using TabController that may get pushed down
- Upgrade to .NET Standard
- Deprecate Windows Phone 8/8.1 and Windows Store
- Update to 25.x Support Libraries on Android
- iOS: Fix Pop-over position on iPad in landscape
- Add Exif Information to iOS and Android
- Optimize rotations on iOS and Android
- All: No longer delete files when picked. You are in control.
- Windows Phone 8.1 RT: Handle button mashing on photo button better.
- Android: Re-save EXIF on rotation
- Android: Fix issue where Zero byte image was being saved
- Android: Work around to add small delay when closing activity
- Android: Compress image even if size is full
- iOS: Align root pages for modal pages
- iOS: Fix compat with Rg.Plugins.Popup
- iOS: Return album path when picking photo
- Android: Ensure files are resized when picking photo
- Andriid: Explicit grant URI for camera intent
All: Ensure you call await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize(); before accessing any APIs
All: Resize when taking a photo
All: Save original album location when picking photo
iOS & Android: Ability to resize when picking photo
iOS & Android: Set Quality Level when taking photo
Android: Fix images that get rotated in the wrong direction
Android: Updates for Android N Strict Mode, see documentation if you target N+
iOS & Android: Fix for rotating device.
iOS: Added custom overlay method (Preview)
iOS: iOS 10 support for new permissions, please see documentations
Windows RT: Bug fixes & Video Support
Addition Bug Fixes & Optimizations on all platforms
- Add UWP support
- Android: No longer require camera permission
- Android: Use latest permission plugin for External Storage Permissions
- Android: Try to show front facing camera when parameter is set
- Add new "SaveToAlbum" bool to save the photo to public gallery
- Added new "AlbumPath", which is set when you use the "SaveToAlbum" settings
- Supports iOS, Android, WinRT, and UWP
- Add readme.txt
- Update to latest permissions plugin
- Breaking changes: New namespace - Plugin.Media
- Automatically Add Android Permissions
- Request Android Permissions on Marshmallow
- Uses new Permissions Plugin :
- UWP Support
- ecbb5cd Update NuGets
- 6e4ad34 Update Media.Plugin.csproj
- 7bf789f Update readme.txt
- 5a48371 Update readme.txt
- 85250a0 Merge pull request #818 from jamesmontemagno/androidx-essetnails
- d96dafb Upgrade to AndroidX and Xamarin.Essentials.
- c366087 Update Media.Plugin.csproj
- b197ac8 Merge pull request #792 from klogeaage/fix-png-issues-and-missing-meta-data-from-pickphotos
- c788d7d Made sure PNG is only used when image actually IS a PNG.
- b12d1d1 Merge pull request #790 from cassio-developer/bug640 [ #640 ]
See More
- e1af9b8 bugfix #640 clicking multiple times on a picture in iOS causing back too many times, bug caused by loop on event FinishedPickingMedia in every click, and calling dismiss event in consequence
- 6b60986 Merge pull request #785 from mjmostachetti/master
- fee4482 Adding fix for cancelling when clicking background overlay on ios tablet
- 8c5add2 Build in CI
- e0e7caf More cleanup
- 9723b55 Cleanup for install and more using var :)
- abd2177 Attempt to fix #747 and #760
- 7942bd9 Merge pull request #772 from lsaudon/patch-1
- 7bc81ef New iOS 10 Privacy Permission Settings Valid Url
- 7ba0111 Merge branch 'master' of
- 394c479 Fix build for now
- 951678b Update
- 08ba38f Update libraries and add more debugging
- 27619a8 Merge pull request #762 from IngweLand/ios-multipicker-progress
- fbc6f26 add activity indicator to ECLImagePicker (multi-picker) on iOS. It gives the user visual feedback when photos are downloading from iCloud
- 9877b01 Merge pull request #761 from IngweLand/ios-multipicker-fixes
- a4579ad fix few issues and add some optimizations to ECLImagePicker implementation (aka Multi-Picker) on ios
- 2716662 Enable iCloud download
- 2d728a5 Merge branch 'master' of
- a8c670c Don't need orientation data... is iOS 13 only api
- be40788 Update FUNDING.yml
- 2e7ee89 Fixes #758
- 040d673 Temp work around for iOS 13 as ALAsset no longer gets images. Fixes #755
- ec4b4b4 Fixes #754
- 335fefa Refractor iOS extension handling and copying.
- 49a339d Fixes #734
- 7c541c5 Merge latest in
- 2979397 Update sample
- af15d1b Fixes #739
- 7d26df5 Merge pull request #751 from jgold6/master [ #264 ]
- 402e005 Fixes issue #264
- 3968f2d Merge pull request #741 from codechem/bug739-dm
- 47e5cd9 Bugfix 730: TIFFDict Meta Data Exception On iOS MediaPickerDelegate.cs
- 75943e5 Merge pull request #726 from mrakhra/feature/mrakhra/RecyclingImageDuringResizingoniOS
- 5bd4937 Merge branch 'master' into feature/mrakhra/RecyclingImageDuringResizingoniOS
- 81378a4 [iOSResizeMultiplePhotosCrash] I have fixed the crash of iOS when selecting multiple photographs with resize. This can allow more than 100 photographs with resize.
- c9f83b1 Merge pull request #723 from aubiyko/FixAndroidPickPhotosNRE
- 397233e Fixed Android NRE on canceling/dismissing PickPhotosAsync.
- 56d1d6e Merge pull request #718 from Eltee-Taiwo/bug/586_FrontCameraIntentCheck
- 3f72cc3 Added intent check for front facing camera to fix bug raised in Issue 586.
- 41ff3d5 Update FUNDING.yml
- e2d72c3 Create FUNDING.yml
- 16bd9b4 Merge pull request #717 from mrakhra/feature/mrakhra/FixingUpiOSCrashes
- e10809c Merge branch 'master' into feature/mrakhra/FixingUpiOSCrashes
- 9a7d77c Merge pull request #700 from breyed/patch-1
- 99c738e Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
- 0e2d927 Merge pull request #715 from jaytilly/master
- 56715dd Merge branch 'master' into feature/mrakhra/FixingUpiOSCrashes
- 62bb203 [iOSFixCrashing] - Parallel processing.
- 86baf9e [FixingiOSCrash] - Disposing images properly while properly on iOS
- 29f4384 Merge pull request #3 from jaytilly/jt-fix-for-LG
- 6860a17 Added check to see if an extra that causes trouble on LG phones actually needs to be set before setting.
- 69fd6ca Merge pull request #2 from jaytilly/jt-fix-for-LG
- 074bfc2 Added comments; forgot to comment out PutExtra line
- e73338b Merge pull request #1 from jaytilly/jt-fix-for-LG
- fdf9b44 Removed intent to PutExtra for UseBackCamera. Causes crashes on some LG phones and works okay without it.
- 2d01825 Merge pull request #714 from vecalion/patch-1
- 2200d60 Fixed a typo
- 00e1ebe Use latst SDK Extras
- 572da61 Android hardware features are optional
- a6de2cb Implement new permissions
- 45d5ca2 Merge pull request #649 from vagrawal1986/master [ #598 ]
- 18301e6 Merge branch 'master' into master
- 2ab437c Merge pull request #664 from J-Swift/feature/collectionview-multi-picker
- f5b56fb Fix typo to MediaImplementation.cs
- 9e6e94f Updated MediaPickerActivity.cs
- 8def81d Updated MediaImplementation.cs
- 32e0f49 Update MediaImplementation.cs
- 6457fb1 Merge branch 'master' into master
- cdb4156 Refactor ELCAssetTablePicker to be a UICollectionViewController
- c6afdfa Merge pull request #650 from vatsalyagoel/multi-gallery-select
- 234a676 Merge branch 'master' into master
- 3677c35 update nuget
- 6a4ba05 Merge branch 'master' into multi-gallery-select
- fd6c8ed Update nuget
- d46f1f3 Update Nugets
- 549e0af Mass cleanup of code and testing
- 4b82671 Refactoring and Bugfixes for android
- 032fa41 Add Cancellation Token Support for pick multi
- 4723906 Add iOS/Android, stub Tizen and UWP
- 0bc5eca Update MediaPickerActivity.cs
- cf0fb9f Update MediaImplementation.cs
- 99f6fda Merge pull request #645 from jamesmontemagno/cancellation
- 2d1ec74 Cleanup iOS code
- 28b0abd Integrate iOS Tests for dismissing
- 2a18fe1 Update UWP sample, doesn't seem to work
- 4466747 Update samples
- 20ac68d Fix up UWP as Task
- 71d5dac Merge branch 'master' into cancellation
- 9c19e16 Fixes #608
- 6526006 Fixes #545
- 3d804df Fixes #533
- 85cdcfc Fixes #639 check for null.
- 8f2de48 Fixes #642 - add UiMode for dock/undock
- d2a6711 Merge pull request #644 from patchandthat/cancellation-support
- dad9c64 Merge branch 'master' into cancellation-support
- 542512b Generate docs
- 7d52d77 Update to latest sdk manager and android nugets :)
- 367df6f Add comment
- dd08d19 CancellationToken in Android impl
- a8959fc iOS cancellation support.
- c548edb Add cancellation token to public API
- a7b26b2 Merge pull request #623 from HarkerTech/HarkerTech-patch-1
- f6570db Fixed typo in exception message
- 008574f Merge pull request #589 from LuceCarter/master
- aac4eea update sample to latest nuget
- 0150a22 Merge pull request #606 from Omarkth/master
- e78a1f5 Merge pull request #607 from chad-ramos/patch-1
- 024f381 Fix spelling error
- 73ab7ee Removed an unnecessary picker.Dispose()
- eb0d7a6 Update readme.txt
This list of changes was auto generated.