*Author: “jammyWolf”
This project uses Django framework and the zc.zk and kazoo bindings to provide a dashboard for a ZooKeeper ensemble (cluster).
Plus, the web design is contributed by Plunt Hunt’s project-http://github.com/phunt/zookeeper_dashboard
- Configration support auth_data and multiple clusters
- Clusters’s leader server infomation
- the info of each child node and display tree of a certain path
From the official site: “ZooKeeper is a high-performance coordination service for distributed applications.”
It exposes common services – such as naming, configuration management, synchronization, and group services – in a simple interface so you don’t have to write them from scratch. You can use it off-the-shelf to implement consensus, group management, leader election, and presence protocols.
- Django 1.0+
Add a path zkadmin/servers.py, follow the example in that file.
- ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS – host:port(,host:port)* of all servers in your cluster. This is the same information that you provide in your ZooKeeper client configuration.
then start the django server
Finally open a link in your browser to the server:
ZooKeeper client output is written to “cli_log.txt”.
ACLs are supported by kazoo. Adding auth_data in zkadmin/servers.py for each cluster.