- Update views @hahuyhoang411 (#188)
- Pal Chat Example Update @hahuyhoang411 (#186)
- Typo fix @hahuyhoang411 (#184)
- Tidy Nitro docs @hahuyhoang411 (#174)
- Update README.md @imtuyethan (#150)
- Docs update hotfix @hahuyhoang411 (#167)
- web: nitro landing page @urmauur (#158)
🚀 Features
- feat: change the preview image of nitro landing page @urmauur (#182)
- feat(example): Add openai integration with nitro @vuonghoainam (#177)
- feat: improvements on nitro landing page @urmauur (#172)
- Add tar gz to nitro release and add docs publish instruction to README.md docs @hiento09 (#171)
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: upgrade all packages in docs @hieu-jan (#191)
- Revert docs CICD trigger on push to main instead of tag-based @hiento09 (#180)
📖 Documentaion
- Update docs @hahuyhoang411 (#181)
- feat(example): Add openai integration with nitro @vuonghoainam (#177)
@hahuyhoang411, @hiento09, @hieu-jan, @imtuyethan, @jan-service-account, @tikikun, @urmauur and @vuonghoainam