The method used to design a solution to the given problem is the ant colony algorithm, which consists in simulating the behavior of real ants looking for food. Despite their blindness, ants are able to detect and optimize the route to a nearby food source. They use the phenomenon of stigmergy, which is communication through changes in the environment. During their initially random journey in search of food, they leave behind a trace in the pheromone trail behind them, which based on its intensity can be perceived by the rest of the herd as a favourable to travel or not. It all depends on how long the pheromone has been left behind and how many ants have travelled the same route - after some time of searching for a route, this results in the ants taking the shortest route found.
// varibles
long long int frequency, start = 0, elapsed, sum, size = 0;
// read clock function
long long int Test::read_QPC()
return((long long int)count.QuadPart);
// testing for loop
for (int i = 0; i < initvalues[k].first[0]; i++)
start = read_QPC();
currentMin = sim.SimAnnealing::findSolution(graph, initValues[0].first[1], 0);
elapsed = read_QPC() - start;
// console out results
cout << "Sredni czas operacji[s] = " << setprecision(3; << float(sum / float(test))/f << endl;
cout << "Sredni czas operacji[ms] = " << setprecision(3) << float(sum * 1000.0)/ float(test)/f << endl;
cout << "Sredni czas operacji [us] = " << setprecision(3) << float(sum * 1000000.0) / float(test)/f << endl << endl;
while (numberOfIterations > 0)
// dodanie nowych mrówek
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAnts; j++)
ants.push_back(new Ant(size, rand() % (size)+0));
// przejście trasy przez mrówki
for (Ant* ant : ants)
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
// dodanie krawędzi powrotnej
pair<int, int> temp = ant->getEnds();
// ustawienie wartości feromonu oraz sprawdzenie czy znaleziono minimum
if (numberOfIterations % mCount == 0)
cout << "#";
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