The method used to design the algorithm solving the given problem is a heuristic algorithm called Simulated Annealing, which consists of searching consecutive problem spaces in order to find the best solution. In the case of the combinatorial problem, it will search successive permutations close to the to the currently minimal one. In contrast to the previously implemented solutions, the end condition is not finding the optimal solution but reaching the temperature set by the user.
The algorithm works in an iterative manner. Its entire operation is divided into eras, whose length is determined by the user. In each era, the search starts from the current global minimum, to which modifications are introduced. In this way, the environment of the current solution is checked in order to find a better solution. After the end of an era, the probability of benefit of starting the next era from the minimum found is calculated. The algorithm can also choose a solution worse than the current global minimum - thanks to this we are able to get out of the local minimum. Boltzmann's formula is used to calculate the probability.
// varibles
long long int frequency, start = 0, elapsed, sum, size = 0;
// read clock function
long long int Test::read_QPC()
return((long long int)count.QuadPart);
// testing for loop
for (int i = 0; i < initvalues[k].first[0]; i++)
start = read_QPC();
currentMin = sim.SimAnnealing::findSolution(graph, initValues[0].first[1], 0);
elapsed = read_QPC() - start;
// console out results
cout << "Sredni czas operacji[s] = " << setprecision(3; << float(sum / float(test))/f << endl;
cout << "Sredni czas operacji[ms] = " << setprecision(3) << float(sum * 1000.0)/ float(test)/f << endl;
cout << "Sredni czas operacji [us] = " << setprecision(3) << float(sum * 1000000.0) / float(test)/f << endl << endl;
while(temperature > absoluteTemperature)
int era = 0;
tempMinPermutation = permutation;
while(era < K)
tempPermutation = tempMinPermutation;
if (type == 1)
else if (type == 2)
deltaDistance = getTourLength(tempPermutation);
if ((deltaDistance < tempMin) ? 1 : exp(-(deltaDistance - tempMin) / temperature) > dis(e))
tempMin = deltaDistance;
swap(tempMinPermutation, tempPermutation);
if ((tempMin < distance) ? 1 : exp(-(tempMin - distance) / temperature) > dis(e))
distance = tempMin;
swap(tempMinPermutation, permutation);
temperature = coolingType == 1 ? temperature / (a + b * K) : temperature * coolingRate;
return distance;
/number of tests ; result ; file name/
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