A jQuery ajax wrapper
This module uses underscore methods and therefore is a dependency. the request_so.js file takes the necessary underscore methods and defines them.
This module was created to accomplish three things:
- create a central store where you can reference url's by friendlier names, which also provides a single place to edit your urls.
- Make ajax calls a little bit more cleaner looking.
- Create re-usable requests.
function displayImages( resp ) { … }
url: 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest',
data: {
method: 'flickr.photos.search',
tags: 'buildings',
api_key: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
format: 'json',
per_page: '1',
page: 1
jsonpCallback: 'jsonFlickrApi',
format: 'json',
dataType: 'jsonp',
type: 'GET'
var buildings = request.fetch('flickr_search').data({
method: 'flickr.photos.search',
tags: 'buildings',
api_key: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
format: 'json',
per_page: '1',
page: 1
jsonpCallback: 'jsonFlickrApi'
}).jsonp().success( displayImages );
Old way: wrap the request into a function yourself that can be called when your ready
New way:
buildings.data({ page: 2 }).jsonp().success( displayImages );
request.add('daily_report', 'http://www.example.com/reports/daily');
produces a get request to: http://www.example.com/reports/daily/format/json
request.fetch('daily_report').data('format','json').post().success( cb, this ).fail( cb, this );
request.add('daily_report', 'http://www.example.com/reports/{1}/format/{2}');
produces a get request to: http://www.example.com/reports/daily/format/json