A Python programming framework for building Scenes in Minecraft. Scenes are compositions of Things (Python objects) implemented using the Raspberry PI Minecraft API (which also works in Minetest). It is based on mcpi library. This is the reference notebook with a complete sample. And there is a intro video tutorial and a more complete one.
A Thing is a built based on blocks: Pyramid, River, House, Fence and may others. All the Things share the Thing API.
A Scene is a list of Things built in a specific position. Scenes can be shared loading and saving them to files. Scenes can be also saved as Schematics and converted with Mineways to be used for 3D rendering and printing. You can share scenes adding them here. This one includes a river, a house in each side of the river and a bridge for crossing the river.
Things can be built using MinecraftDrawing. Sphere and Circle Things are used with Pyramids in the next scene:
And Things can also be built from Schematics (there are thousands!). There is a sample notebook.