Ecto => Json (Api)
Convert an ecto schema into json.
EctoJsonapi is tool for dealing with JsonAPI and Ecto schemas:
Converts elixir maps Ecto schemas.EctoJsonApi.Dump/1
Converts JsonApi v1.0 syntax into Ecto schemas.EctoJsonApi.Load/2
Converts Ecto schemas into elixir maps structured like JsonApi v1.0.
** To be completed ** please bug:
user = %User{
id: 456,
name: "Micah Cooper",
email: "[email protected]"
data = {:ok,
user: user,
json = EctoJsonapi.Load.load(data)
assert get_in(json, ["data", "attributes", "content"])
For a more indepth example checkout the test suite
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