This is a simple Django app for our wedding site, which includes an RSVP system and some basic informational pages. This site uses virtualenvwrapper to manage Python dependencies, Bootstrap for simple UI components and styling, and jQuery mostly just because it's a Bootstrap dependency ;)
Please feel free to fork this project for your own wedding site!
Install pip (instructions here).
Install virtualenvwrapper:
$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
Note: You might need this workaround for OS X 10.11.
- Set up virtualenvwrapper:
- Add the following lines to your shell startup file:
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/projects # This should be where your cloned repos live
source /usr/local/bin/
Reload the startup file (e.g., run
source ~/.bashrc
). -
Set up a virtualenv for this project:
$ mkvirtualenv wedding
- Install python dependencies into the virtualenv:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Initialize the database:
$ ./ migrate
- Run the web server:
$ ./ runserver
You can now view the site at