Upload media in a specified directory
Get media from an URL in order to display it in the page
The input URL is checked by a regex and a message is displayed in case of error.
The supported media uploaded or called with their URL are displayed in a preview zone.
Default file types supported for upload mode :
- png
- gif
- jpg
Any media URL can be used, but the plugin displays a preview only for these types :
- png
- gif
- jpg
- youtube video
jQuery Core v1.10.x or higher required.
Tested with :
- Internet Explorer 10
- Chrome 38
- Firefox 31
Turns an HTML element into a media outlet.
The default displayed mode. Authorized values are :
- upload (default value)
- url
The attribute name of the used HTML element which specifies the media file URL to display when the plugin is loaded.
The maximum size in bytes of an uploaded media. The default value is 10485760 bytes (10 megabytes)
The attribute name of the used HTML element which specified the image file URL to display when the chosen media can't be previewed.
Callback function which defines some stuff to do when the upload fails.
This function must be like the following : function(error, $mediaOutlet) { //some stuff }
- error parameter provides information about the upload error (AJAX technical error)
- $mediaOutlet is the HTML DOM used element
Callback function which defines some stuff to do when the upload/media get by URL is done with success.
This function must be like the following : function(result, $mediaOutlet) { //some stuff }
- result parameter provides some information in an object :
- mediaName : the name of the uploaded file (only for upload mode)
- mediaType : the media type
- mediaUrl:mediaUrl : the media URL
- mediaSelectionType : "url" or "upload" depending the chosen mode
- $mediaOutlet is the HTML DOM used element
Specify if the media preview is displayed (true) or not (false)
The name of the directory where the media will be uploaded on your server. If it isn't specified, the file will be uploaded in the directory where the PHP upload script is executed.
The authorized file types for upload mode. Following types can be used :
- png
- gif
- jpg
The URL of the upload service (for example a PHP script)
<div class="media_outlet" data-loadedMedia="[media file URL]" data-noPreviewImage="[image URL]" data-mediaFile="" ></div>`
onSuccess:function(result, $mediaOutlet)
//Custom code to store the media name or the media URL in a specified attribute of the HTML element used
//Then, this attribute can be read with Javascript
if (result.mediaSelectionType === 'upload')
$mediaOutlet.attr('data-mediaFile', result.mediaName);
else if (result.mediaSelectionType === 'url')
$mediaOutlet.attr('data-mediaFile', result.mediaUrl);
console.log('error : ' + error);
This example provides a PHP script using the Symfony framework
$request = $this->getRequest();
//Getting the file name and location in the custom headers
$fileName = $request->headers->get('Uploaded-File-Name');
$relativeMediaPath = $request->headers->get('Uploaded-File-Location');
$filePath = $this->getUploadRootDir($relativeMediaPath) . '/' . $fileName;
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest())
//Stores the uploaded file server side
$path = $this->container->get('templating.helper.assets')->getUrl($relativeMediaPath);
//The upload script must return the absolute path of the uploaded media
$response = new Response();
return $response;