The model input is a 3 channel flourescent image:
- F-actin
- alpha-smooth muscle actin
- Nuclei / DAPI
The output is a segmented image with 3 classes:
- Activated Myofibroblast
- Nonactivated fibroblast
- Background
Postprocessing provides the following for each image:
- Number of cells
- average activation of all cells
- average area of all cells
- application: for use applying a trained model to any data_set, can read images saved as numpy arrays or .nd2
- cell_utils: general utility functions for cellnet, including: model callbacks, metrics, and data generators
- create_dataset_aug: Used to generate training datasets including image augmentation
- post_utils: utility functions for application including cell mask and nuclei segmentation
- build_Resunet: functions used to build the model structure of cellnet
- traintest: Used to train all models, options to include attention, pvp, and squeeze and excite layers as well as a second output head