β What is this? Web app for shortening links. Backend is written in Flask (Python framework).
β How to use it?
β What did I use?
- Install Docker and docker-compose
- Create file called docker-compose.yml and paste this inside:
container_name: shorten-this
- 5000:5000 # <Host Port>:<Container Port (do not change)>
image: jedrzejme/shorten-this:latest
- database.db:/app/database.db
restart: unless-stopped
- Optionally edit port in docker-compose.yml
- Create empty file called database.db in the same directory as docker-compose.yml
- Run docker-compose (by default it will run on port 5000):
docker-compose up -d
- It works!
- Install Python
- Clone this repository and enter its directory:
git clone https://github.com/jedrzejme/ShortenThis.git
- Install requirements.txt:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Optionally edit port in app.py (port is defined at the bottom of script)
- Create empty file called database.db in the same directory as this repository
- Run app.py (by default it will run on port 5000):
python app.py
- It works!
- Setup screen on first run
- Authentication by password (not available in version hosted by me)
- Settings screen (not available in version hosted by me)
- Users screen (not available in version hosted by me)
- Shortening URL with custom short URL (if not provided, short URL will be set to random string of length provided in setup)
- Stats of shortened URL
- Option to delete link in control panel
- Usage of sqlite3 to manage data about links and app