❓ What is this? Web app for creating your own card. Backend is written in Flask (Python framework).
❓ How to use it?
❓ What did I use?
- Install Docker, docker-compose and Git
- Clone this repository and enter its directory:
git clone https://github.com/jedrzejme/YourOwnCard.git
- Edit config.ini (do not change port in config.ini; if you want to change external port change it in docker-compose.yml)
- Create docker image:
docker build -t your-own-card .
- Run docker-compose (by default it will run on port 5000):
docker-compose up -d
- It works!
- Install Python
- Clone this repository and enter its directory:
git clone https://github.com/jedrzejme/YourOwnCard.git
- Install requirements.txt:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit config.ini
- Run app.py (by default it will run on port 5000):
python app.py
- It works!
- Creating your own card
- Editing your own card with password protection
- Password resetting by clicking link sent by email
- Custom error handling
- Option to disable editing after creation in config.ini
- Option to disable creating new profiles in config.ini
- Option to set different port in config.ini
- Option to enable debug in config.ini
- Option to set app name in config.ini
- Option to change colors in config.ini
- Your website
- X
- GitHub
- Discord
- Steam
Simpler and free alternative to popular, similar web apps