To support ProtocolX's upcoming DAO token distribution event, a complicated algorithm is utilized to determine fair token distribution. Although their DApp resides on Ethereum mainnet, the execution of the token distribution algorithm should be performed on an L2 to save on costs.
To support this requirement, this project leverages Axelar’s GMP capabilities to perform the execution on a specified L2. DAO members can then claim their tokens on Ethereum.
Set up your local development environment:
npm run build
npm run start
npm run deploy evm/protocolx local
Note: After deploying the contracts save the addresses for the DaoTokenDistributor on Ethereum and DaoDistributionCalculator on your chosen L2. These are needed for the next step.
npm run execute evm/send-ack [local|testnet] ${srcChain} ${destChain} ${srcChainAddrDistributor} ${destChainAddrCalculator}
npm run execute evm/protocolx local "Ethereum" "Polygon" "0x12dC9f4Fb864dE64750E0A87a1a8110509B4f7BB" "0xA6B6773a942571169cB7EA2ABeBEbBf0c077f353"
L1 contract is configured to Polygon, L2 contract is configured to Ethereum
****** token distributions: address1 = 54193500, address2 = 4556890 ******
****** Balances of wallets before claim: 0, 0 ******
Claimed 54193500 tokens for 1st address
Expected Error: 1st address has already claimed tokens
Claimed 4556890 tokens for 2nd address
Expected Error: 2nd address has already claimed tokens
****** Balances of wallets after claim: 54193500, 4556890 ******
Note: The values in the first line (token distributions) and the last line (wallet balances after distribution) should be the same.