A C++ JSON-RPC server skeleton, in straight C++11.
Currently implements two simple JSON-RPC methods, "ping" (always returns string "pong") and "echo" (echoes params back as the result), but sufficient code exists to support a wide range of RPC methods, inputs and outputs.
rpcsrv requires C++11, libevent 2 and on MACOSX, argp-standalone.
Building follows the familiar pattern:
git submodule update --init
./autogen.sh # only if building from git repo
make install
Run "./rpcsrvd --help" for a summary of server configuration options,
and their default values. See example-config.json
for the server
JSON configuration file.
This returns an array of all the JSON-RPC services at this HTTP endpoint.
We only have one service at this endpoint, "myapi":
$ curl http://localhost:12014/
"name": "myapi/1",
"timestamp": 1550068729,
"endpoint": "/rpc/1"
This returns an array of all the JSON-RPC methods for this service.
We have two methods at this service, "ping" and "echo":
$ curl http://localhost:12014/rpc/1
"method": "ping"
"method": "echo"
We call the "echo" RPC, which echoes any parameters sent to it:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"echo","params":[1,2,3,4], "id":1234}' http://localhost:12014/rpc/1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"id": 1234