Provably fair dice game made with lisk-sdk
Full install guide fresh Ubuntu 18.04
adduser ldice
usermod -aG sudo ldice
su - ldice
git clone
cd ldice
bash fullpreqinstall
Log out from ldice user and log back in
su - ldice
cd ldice
npm install
bash setnet ldice_testnet
bash preparedb
bash start
bash logs
Usage help
start - starts ldice node
stop - stops ldice node. Ctrl+C to stop. Wait for graceful exit.
logs - prints current logs
dblogs - prints current database logs
preparedb - prepares database
purgedb - purges & recreates database
readnet - reads current network
setnet - sets network
fullpreqinstall - Installs all dependencies, Ubuntu 18.04 tested.
-Native token rights to profit, from the treasury revenue (dividends).
-Rewrite drawing module as block processing extension when available in next lisk-sdk release. Right now this code should NOT by considered production ready. Right now module causes inconsistency in database.
Corbifex | Moosty