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Remote collaborative cooking made easy


By Yu Lu Liu, Josh Katofsky, David Peterman, and Camilla Djamalov

Our McHacks 9 project! A WFH hack where you input the groceries you have on hand and get matched up with another user with a similar pantry. Then, use our built-in chat feature to choose from curated list of recipies that match your shared ingredients and coordinate how you'll prepare the meal together.

Culina brings back the social aspect of lunch breaks to our WFH reality, helps you save the environment by providing uses for food that you otherwise would have disgarded, and gives users exposure to a range of international cuisine.

Built with ❤️ using React, Flask,, MongoDB, Figma, and Google Cloud.

Additional code used to create our dataset on the Colab notebook here.

More about the project on the DevPost submission.