This application is a full stack application where users can create profiles for thier pets in hopes of finding matches for play dates.
- Git Manager and Full Stack Developer: Sarah
- Back End and Full Stack Developer: Emily
- Front End Developer: Julie
- Full Stack Devloper: Sean
As a user I want the ability to...
- sign in or register
- make a profile for each your pets
- add profile pictures
- see your pets
- see all pets
- update profiles
- communicate with other pet owners
- rating system
- schedule meetings
- Express.js
- React
- Mongoose
- React -Bootstrap
- Friday 10/28: Pitch idea, Seed db, Get the back end going
- Saturday 10/29: Testing with postman and make sure Back End is nearly good to go.
- Sunday 10/30: Finish up Back End and start on Front End React
- Monday 10/31: Front End
- Tuesday 11/1: Front End React, should be near MVP
- Wednesday 11/2: Goal: MVP status, Work on Front End Styling
- Thurday 11/3: Polish all details
- Friday 11/4: Presentation Day
- An app that looks and functions at least as well as the Pet App we did in class, with a navigation bar, and div boxes that display the users resources and allows the user to edit and delete them as well as make comments on them/leave messages for other users.
const startPets = [
{ name: "Jasmine Pedraza", type: "cat", breed: "Domestic Shorthair", likes: "playing ribbon", availableForPlayDate: true, rating: "3 fish" },
{ name: "Trisca Laghari", type: "dog", breed: "American Husky", likes: "playing fetch", availableForPlayDate: true, rating: "5 bones" },
{ name: "Chun Heu Kim", type: "cat", breed: "Orange Domestic Short hair", likes: "snuggle time", availableForPlayDate: true, rating: "4 fish" },
{ name: "Estelle Darcy", type: "dog", breed: "Wirehaired Terrier", likes: "dog park playtime", availableForPlayDate: true, rating: "3 bones" },
{ name: "Jiara Martins", type: "cat", breed: "Domestic Short Hair", likes: "guarding the water fountain", availableForPlayDate: false, rating: "3 fish" },
{ name: "Margarita Perez", type: "dog", breed: "Chihuahua", likes: "spa days", availableForPlayDate: false, rating: "3 fish" }