A search component that can be added to request handlers to manage quotes before the tokeniser and analyser stage.
In other word - curly quotes - a way to remap them to standard quotes.
The following requests will behave the same:
- http://localhost:8983/solr/temp1/select?q="A Song of Ice and Fire"
- http://localhost:8983/solr/temp1/select?q=“A Song of Ice and Fire”
- http://localhost:8983/solr/temp1/select?q=«A Song of Ice and Fire»
The following are folded to a staight quote " (\u0022)
- “ left double quotation mark (\u201C)
- ” right double quotation mark (\u201D)
- 〝 left curly quote (\u301D)
- 〞right curly quote (\u301E)
- „ index quote german scandanavian (\u201E)
- « left-pointing double angle quotation mark (\AB)
- » right-pointing double angle quotation mark (\BB)
- ‟ double high-reversed-9 quotation mark (\u201F)
- ❝ heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament (\u275D)
- ❞ heavy double comma quotation mark ornament (\u275E)
- ⹂ double low-reversed-9 quotation mark - (\u2E42)
- "fullwidth quotation mark - (\uFF02)
Download latest JAR at time of writing here
Copy the unicode-quote-component-X.X.jar
file from the to the location of your components
Add the following the solrconfig.xml
for the core you want to use the component
<!--adding the classpath of the unicode-quote-component-->
<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/dist/" regex="unicode-quote-component-\d.*\.jar" />
<!--Register the custom component-->
<searchComponent name="unicodeQuoteComponent" class="com.jnyryan.solrUnicodeQuoteComponent.FoldUnicodeQuotes"/>
In the request handler add the component as a first-component
<arr name="first-components">
<requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
<int name="rows">10</int>
<arr name="first-components">
After adding the plugin to the core (like the techproducts example), you can see these three requests will behave the same
[no Quotes](http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select?q=A Song of Ice and Fire) [standard Quotes](http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select?q="A Song of Ice and Fire") [Curly Quotes](http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select?q=“A Song of Ice and Fire”)
ant compile
ant jar
The jar is placed in the ./dist folder. use it wisely
ant test
If you have built lucene-solr locally and are running in debug in Eclipse, create test cores as follows.
touch ./eclipse-build/solr-server/solr/techproducts/core.properties
mkdir ./eclipse-build/solr-server/solr/techproducts
cp -r ./eclipse-build/solr-server/solr/configsets/sample_techproducts_configs/ ./eclipse-build/solr-server/solr/techproducts
solr/bin/post -p 8983 -c techproducts solr/example/exampledocs/*
Things to note:
Make sure the component folder is correct, a WARNING may be issued by SOLR if the files cannot be located
Check the Java Target Version
- unzip the jar manifest to see the target version
unzip -q -c dist/jar/solr-unicode-quote-component-7.5.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
- check classpath with clean build
cp dist/jar/solr-unicode-quote-component-7.5.jar ~/git/lucene-solr/solr/dist
- unzip the jar manifest to see the target version