An implementation of a fully functional Jenkins Cluster within docker containers with full pipelines support using a Docker in Docker container.
This repository aims to create an almost zero configuration jenkins server for for building your projects. Once Jenkins is fully customizable and it has a lot of available plugins, this build is an opinionated distributions used on my daily work.
Basically I use the pipeline with Docker on a jenkins instance.
I'm using a composition file in order to create the following structure:
- Jenkins Container -> It will have the latest version of Jenkins (lts), from oficial Docker container;
- DIND -> It is a Docker In Docker (DIND) container, from official Docker Hub image (docker:stable-dind);
- Build Node -> A simple ubuntu container with a SSH server, docker and docker-compose command line tools connected to DIND container.
It's a nice feature to have when dealing with Jenkins and Docker. We already know the power of Docker and how can we leverage the way that we design software. The new thing is when you need docker to create containers that will build something for you. What's the idea here? I would like to create a fully working docker server that doesn't interactes with the real world Docker server and stills adds me the ability to build my containers like if I was the docker host with a standalone Jenkins.
But again, why? The answer is that I wanted that the Jenkins and It's configurations would be pulled like any regular docker container, using the good parts of docker. As the result we would have:
- A Docker server
- A Jenkins Container using the latest version of Jenkins with it own Java and settings;
- A Docker Container which have a Docker server built in (Docker In Docker)
- A bridge container which it will be used by the Jenkins container in order to interface the docker in docker container.
First of all you will need to have working Docker on your machine as well as Docker Compose. In order to use this project you will just need to clone this repo and then run the following command:
$ docker-compose up -d
It will create all the containers as well as the links among them, but it will create an empty configuration. Point your browser and you will see a cleanup Jenkins available for using.
You can have a Jenkins pre-installed Jenkins by using my own settings. Take a look on this page for further information: Base jenkins_home page
After starting jenkins just login using the following credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
All of your configuration will be created on the folder "jenkins_home" inside your project directory; Credentials, hosts, nodes, plugins (and etc) will be put on that directory, to it's most likely that it will have a huge size. It's strongly recommended that you backup this folder in order to have your settings keeping safe and sound.
- Create a video teaching how to setup your jenkins instance from zero;
- Create a CI/CD Pipeline for the Docker Image
Create an issue on github! Thanks!