ReaderCalculator - allow the user to capture arithmetic expressions (i.e. 1+2) either directly from the built-in camera or from an image file picked by the user from the filesystem. Once the input is provided the app detect the expression in the picture and compute its result.
Used in Development:
IDE: Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 1
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit
Gradle Version: 7.1.3
Kotlin Version: 1.6.10
Gradle Type: DSL
Language: Kotlin
Architechture Pattern: MVVM
Type: Modular
Unit Test:
● ViewModelTest,
● RepositoryTest,
● ExtensionTest
Code Formatting:
● Spotless
● Ktlint
ktlint pre-commit script will only work and copied to <directory>\ml-ocr\.git\hooks
upon build/run app or using ./gradlew build.
Features Covered:
● Support of multiple app variants.
● Controlling the behavior of the app at compile time
● Handling different themes.
● Integration with a 3rd party library
● Integration with the system (file picker, camera)
● Permission handling (file picker, camera)
User Interface:
File System
Camera System