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test wpm

Typing test platform inspired by 10fastfingers.



  • React with Vite: There wasn't any dynamic content so to make the single page static, and initial load faster, I used the vite-react-ssg package for static site generation.
  • Zustand: The development involved managing a lot of states; e.g. errors, correct words typed, input value, current word, time left, etc. The application was small to use Redux but complex enough to hop for a state management library like Zustand.
  • Typescript and Tailwind CSS

Building the websites I faced several unprepared issues, including input values acting strangely which I addressed in the journal section.

The most complex issue I faced while developing this project was keeping the active word row in the middle of the word box. After reverse engineering 10fastfingers, I sought help from to create me hook, which returns the the row number of the active word. It was fairly easy to hide the previous row, making the current row in the center.


01 August 2024

Second day on this project. Built the countdown timer the first day, with the input field and reset button.

Now I'm trying to clear the input field on clicking the space bar and save the value in an array.


  • Clearing the input field by using the key attribute changes the focus.
  • If I use autoFocus attribute to have the focus the input field. But it causes the input field to store a single character space value. I can trim the value but how can I reflect that on the input field.


  • using another useState for the input value. Resetting it after the space bar clicked but still the single character space remains.
  • so I'm passing inputValue.trim() in the input field value prop and it's removing the extra space.

02 August 2024

Day 3 of this project. Implemented the reset button so far. Setting all of the states to its initial state.


  • There's multiple (4) state declarations in the file.


  • If the state declaration increases will shift to using zustand

03 August 2024

Day 4 of the project. Using zustand; handling incorrect word states, mistakes, and showing accuracy percentages.


  • Having the active word at the top of word-box

04 August 2024


  • Preventing word box component from re-rendering on timer change.
  • Preventing any other unnecessary re-rendering.

06 August 2024


  • Active word should be in the second row after the first row of words finishes when the test starts.
    • First I need to determine in which number of rows the active word is in.
    • After the current row of words finishes the previous row of words should be removed.


  • To determine in which number of rows the active word is in I'm comparing the vertical positions of adjacent elements. When a significant change in vertical position is detected, it means the the element has moved to a new row.
  • Now to delete the first row every time the active word moves to a new row. But deleting causes inconsistency in the states. So instead of deleting I'm hiding the elements of the first row.