This repository parse dwarf information from elfs and generate python structs accordingly
First lets write our elf:
struct command {
char command[64];
struct command_with_args {
char arg1[128];
struct command command;
Ignore this part it is only done for disabling optimization
Optimization will omit the structs if they are not being used
-O0 omits this structs from the output for some reason
void main() {
struct command a = {};
struct command_with_args b = {};
printf("a = %p, b=%p\n", a, b);
While compiling we must generate type information:
gcc main.c -dwarf-2 -ggdb -o a.out
Then generate python structs
python -m py_elf_structs a.out /tmp/structs.json
Finally, load the structs and interact with them
from py_elf_structs import load_structs
structs = load_structs("/tmp/structs.json")
command_with_args = structs.command_with_args(arg="/tmp",
command="ls -la"
# You can pack this struct
# Unpack is also supported
command_with_args = structs.command_with_args.unpack("<stream>")
You can also use a python api to generate the structs.json file:
from py_elf_structs import generate_structs
Attribute with the name size is used by the parser therefor if a struct contain a variable named size it is replaced by _size eg ..
struct my_struct {
int size;
python api:
from py_elf_structs import load_structs
structs = load_structs("/tmp/structs.json")
Struct maybe aligned to sizeof(ptr) therefore we should support this eg ...
struct command {
unsigned int address;
unsigned short value;
The resulting cstruct is:
struct command {
unsigned int address;
unsigned short value[2];
Because this struct is aligned to 4 it is handled by the api and you can create this struct anyway:
from py_elf_structs import load_structs
structs = load_structs("/tmp/structs.json")
structs.command(address=1, value=2)
# This will create the struct and fix value to be an array