Creates a shortcode for implementing acf_form directly in the editor
Install as you would any plugin.
After activation you can now use the [show_acf_form]
shortcode. It takes all options that acf_form takes. To set array values just comma-separate them. To set associative array values use | to separate key=>value pairs.
[show_acf_form id="tavlingsansokan-form" field_groups="1496,1451" post_id="new_post" new_post="post_type|tavlingsansokningar,post_status|publish" submit_value="Skicka" updated_message="Ansökan mottagen"]
- The shortcode will only work in the default wysiwyg editor as of now.
is automatically added by detecting the shortcode in the post_content so it will only work for single page/post views. To make it work on say an archive you could add the function yourself:
<?php if( is_archive() ) acf_form_header(); ?>
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