This Tapestry 5 Module will add Real User Monitoring and properly named Web Transactions to your New Relic monitored Tapestry5 application.
Out of the box New Relic will only capture the Tapestry Filter for every request. NewRelic4Tapestry5 will track the correct page and event name for every request. The locale, request parameters and context parameters are stripped to allow for meaningfull performance monitoring of your pages and components.
A generic MarkupRendererFilter is used to add Real User Monitoring to each pagerequest to also track your page loading and dom evaluation.
Include NewRelic4Tapestry5 in your Maven dependencies
To include it in your own tapestry project simply add the NewRelic4Tapestry5AppModule as a @SubModule to your own Tapestry AppModule like so:
public class YourAppModule {
... your AppModule code ...