NVIDIA Jetson Nano with CSI Camera (Raspberry pi v2)
- Install Quartz in MacOS to enable Remote Graphic environment
- PyCharm (Enable remote interpreter)
- Install OpenCV 4.0.0 in the Nvidia Jetson Nano
- Grab a frame
- Convert frame to gray
- Blur the frame
- Initialize a master frame
- Do a Delta frame (Differences)
- Do a threshold frame
- Dilate the thresholded image to fill in holes
- Find contours on thresholded image
- Make coutour frame
- Target contours
- Check no strictly increasing numbers in (Y) Axis Determine direction
- Calculate ins / outs
- Write on screen target symbol
- Write on screen ins / outs
Connect to the Nvidia Jetson nano
ssh -Y [email protected]
password: jetson
python3 objectscounter.py