A "bean mother pattern" for the Thymeleaf templates.
The idea behind the project is simple, allow the designers of a web project, have the necessary tools to identify and model the entities that will be represented in each of the parts of a website, and even to connect the REST services with the parties from the web where they are going to show. The designers are usually closer to the UX and UI and therefore can know first hand what data is shown in each part.
This could be an scheme of the parts
In my blog, few years ago, I start to think about. Now, the idea it's build a springboot + thymeleaf + groovy project, that use beanmother for "build the objects", and when new module will be developed this will connect from an API REST.
There will be other ways to do it, this is my way ;)
Clone the project and: gradle bootRun
Then you can open in browser http://localhost:8080/thymeleaf3 and this will render src/main/resources/templates/thymeleaf3.html
and thanks to src/main/resources/templates/thymeleaf3.th.groovy this will a groovy version of
that render the .th.xml version. or if doesn't exist .th.groovy file the src/main/resources/templates/thymeleaf3.th.xml will be use,
and witch binding apply?
The folder src/main/resources/fixtures contains the fixtures for beanmother
user1: &user1
name: user1
type: type1
user2: &user2
name: user2
type: type2
Using a groovy DSL (src/main/groovy/com/thymemother/dsl/thymemotherbuilder.groovy) defined in a file behind the other src/main/resources/templates/thymeleaf3.groovy
// TODO use compilation customizer
import com.thymemother.dsl.RootSpec
import com.thymemother.controller.model.User
// TODO ???
def m = binding.getVariable("m")
def objectMother = binding.getVariable("objectMother")
// TODO ???
def root(Closure cl) {
def root = new RootSpec()
def code = cl.rehydrate(root, this, this)
code.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
root {
def user1 = map {
fixture objectMother, "user1", User.class
def user2 = map {
fixture objectMother, "user2", User.class
def users = [user1, user2]
model {
add m, "users", users
You can define variables, and using this DSL
fixture objectMother, "user1", User.class
You define generation of an object using a fixture.
And with this part
add m, "users", users
you define the relation of the instanced fixtures (users) in the variables and the thymeleaf model object ("users").
Note that User class is a groovy class
package com.thymemother.controller.model
class User {
String name
String type
and you can and should hierchary class as you need model the info inside html.
- WIP to remove the TODO and clean the DSL, but inside
- Overwrite:
- By default in build.gradle define the external directory as classpath
- runtime files('external/classpath')
- If you want to use external thymeleaf files
- -Dspring.thymeleaf.prefix=file:///path/to/directory/thymemother/external/templates/
- If you want to use external fixture directory
- -DfixtureDir=filesystem:///path/to/directory/external/fixture
- By default in build.gradle define the external directory as classpath
gradle -Dspring.thymeleaf.prefix=file:///path/.../templates/ -DfixtureDir=filesystem:///path/.../fixture bootRun
https://github.com/kzkn/spring-ssr-poc - https://kazkn.com/post/2017/spring-boot-nashorn-react-ssr/
https://ebaytech.berlin/react-js-server-side-rendering-with-j2v8-b9ced07888fb - https://github.com/eclipsesource/J2V8 - https://github.com/pgrimard/spring-j2v8
Add compilation customizer to hide this imports
import com.thymemother.dsl.RootSpec import com.thymemother.controller.model.User
How can i put this "outside" the dsl
def m = binding.getVariable("m") def objectMother = binding.getVariable("objectMother")
Make another method inside specs, without m and objectMother?
Is this necesary inside the dsl?
def root(Closure cl) { def root = new RootSpec() def code = cl.rehydrate(root, this, this) code.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY code() }
- Upgrade to latest thymeleaf version
- Generalize parameter url/query string
- Generalize form parameter
- And option to render the generate HTML to an external dir
How to run it
Run gradle daemon with classreload and disable thymeleaf cache
Run with fatjar
java -jar thymemother.jar -Dport=8080 -Dspring.thymeleaf.prefix=file:///path/to/directory/thymemother/external/templates/ -DfixtureDir=filesystem:///path/to/directory/external/fixture
Can instantiate only list?
Autoscan and best fit to fixture the yml...
Module to rest client
apiuser: &apiuser rest.url: http://rest/api/method?$1 rest.method: POST rest.param: {"param1":"value1","param2":$2}
name: response.param_name type: response.param_type other: ${faker.book.title}
- Review issues:
Review this links
Another related things to review
Fix maven
- mvn spring-boot:run
DocToolChain + qdox + gradle and later maven
- ./gradlew -b init.gradle initArc42EN -PnewDocDir=/home/jose/git/thymemother/doc
- doctoolchain /home/jose/git/thymemother/doc generateHTML
- doctoolchain /home/jose/git/thymemother/doc generatePDF
jqassitance + neo4j
- mvn jqassistant:server
When I discover Beanmother I thought it could be a good "testing purpose" library..
to build "object" for junit test, build it from yml... and too, for load the database.