Motion Optimization Package
Author: José David Tascón Vidarte
This package contains a set of functions and classes for Range Registration with RGB-D sensor and Structure from Motion.
Library Recomended version
siftgpu 0.5.4 eigen 3.2 sqlite 3.8 opencv 2.4 boost 1.55 vtk 5.10 pcl 1.7 ceres-solver 1.8
./core/ Main files .cpp and .hpp of mop library ./bundle_adjustment/ Files for SfM and Bundle Adjustment ./range3d/ Files for range registration
Range Registration, Example: 1- Check dependencies of CMakeLists.txt 2- Compile the file CMakeLists.txt with cmake. 3- Run an example: $ ./range_model -i images.xml -d depth.xml -k calibration_kinect.txt -df 40