Instructor: Dr. Steinberg
University: University of Central Florida
Semester Taken: Fall 2022
Folders are separated into weeks in descending order from the beginning of the semester to the end, updated as projects are assigned and completed. Inside weekly folders may contain Large Program and Small Program folders, in which these subfolders were assignments assigned the same week but have different goals. My (Joshua Lim) work is always labeled "smallprogram#/largeprogram#MyLastName_MyFirstname.c" per instructor request.
(Example: smallprogram0_Lim.Joshua.c)
All other files were what I used to guide my assignment towards the instructors curriculum as well as check if the program outputs the correct information upon testing using the python script provided by the instructor. These C files have been tested both on a local Mac machine and a remote Eustis machine per instructor request.
The purpose of this repository is to showcase assignments to employers that I (Joshua Lim) have completed in structed, graded, and criteria based environments while I learn various languages along my education (in this case, the 'C' language), as well as to showcase my understanding of git and allow time for me to focus on bigger projects (such as the social media platform my company, Creating Real LLC, is currently developing) without requiring time and energy on smaller projects that would serve the same purpose as classwork. This repository is updated with each week after it has been graded to uphold Academic Honesty for fellow classmates that may find this repository during the same semester, per instructor request.
If there are any questions or suggestions on the code or structure of this repository, feel free to email me at: [email protected]