I'm a Data Analyst and Developer based in Dublin, Ireland. My passion lies in transforming raw data into actionable insights and creating automated reports and visualizations using Power BI. I'm also deeply fascinated by futuristic technologies—especially artificial intelligence—and love discussing IT and data analytics for hours!
- 🔭 Current Focus: Automating data workflows and building advanced data visualizations.
- 🌱 Learning: Delving into AI, machine learning, and other emerging tech to stay ahead.
- 👯 Collaboration: Always open to working with like-minded professionals on innovative projects.
- 💬 Interests: Data analytics, automated reporting, Power BI, and practical applications of AI.
- 📫 How to Reach Me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jozsefkecskesi/
- Data Analysis & Visualization:
- Power BI
- Excel
- Programming:
- Python
- C#
- AI & Machine Learning:
- Exploring deep learning techniques
- Natural language processing
- Tools:
- Git & GitHub
- Automated reporting systems
- Automated Reporting System:
A project focused on creating dynamic, automated reports using Power BI and Python. - Data Visualization Dashboards:
Multiple dashboards that turn complex datasets into clear insights. - Python-refresh:
My personal project to refresh my Python fundamentals and intermediate skills in preparation for my MSc journey.
I'm driven by:
- The challenge of extracting valuable insights from large, raw datasets.
- Leveraging AI and machine learning to drive innovation.
- Developing practical, futuristic tech solutions that streamline business processes.
Feel free to explore my repositories and projects. If you’re interested in collaborating or just want to chat about data analytics and AI, drop me a message!
Happy coding and data crunching!