This budget app aims to assist a user in managing personal money by offering not only a basic expense check but also a brief analysis of incomes and expenses. All operations are performed in privare through a personal account.
this one is a all javascript application, deployed on Heroku
Frontend : HTML5 CSS3( Sass ), React.js Backend : Express.js ( Node.js ) Database : MongoDB Atlas
Logged in, the uesr can access the following key features :
Add / Edit / Delete a transaction : The user can create a new income or expense transaction which can be deleted or modified after the creation.
Check recent transactions: the user will see all transactions took place in the last three days and the sum of income, expense and balance in the personal dashboard.
Get an overview of incomes and expenses : All transactions of the user are accumulated to the daily, weekly and total sum and viewed as a histogram ( Bar or Chart ). The user then gets a better understanding of the weekly, monthly and yearly fluctuation of incomes and expenses.
Personal financial records are sensitive infomations, it is necessary to keep personal data in private. Therefore, user authentication was required and verified with JWT ( JSON Web Token ). Using libraries : D3.js ( viewed transaction data ) / react-spring ( added some animations )