This software is not authorized by Google and doesn't follow Google's robots.txt. Scraping without Google explicit written permission is a violation of thei terms and conditions on scraping and can potentially cause a lawsuit
Local Environment
- NodeJS (
- Puppeteer (
- Minimist (
- Download latest project release, extract and (if desired) move folder to your home directory
- Check if Node and NPM are already installed
- Open Terminal
- Type
node -v
in Terminal to check NodeJS version number (and if installed already) - Type
npm -v
in Terminal to check NPM-Manager version number (and if installed already) - If not, install Homebrew (from; Mac) and then NodeJS with
brew update && brew install node
- In Terminal move to project folder (type
cd folder/
if you named the project folder "folder") - Install required NPM packages, type
npm install
in Terminal
Run script with arguments
npm run scrape -- --kw=<KEYWORD> (--headless=false)
node get_mreids.js --kw=<KEYWORD> (--headless=false)
npm run scrape -- --kw=firefox --headless=false
node get_mreids.js --kw=firefox --headless=false
npm run scrape -- --kw=barack+obama
node get_mreids.js --kw=barack+obama
What happens here
- Puppeteer (Headless Browser; Chromium) opens first SERP with input keyword
- We extract MREID if available and look for "Über XX weitere ansehen" link in Knowledge-Graph
- We click that link and get a carousel of entities on next SERP
- We extract urls and names of entities from carousel
- We open each url in new tab, wait for load-event and extract MREID
- We close Browser and export list to CSV / Terminal
- If something breaks or errors occur during runtime, please ask Philipp at [email protected].
- Please use for ultimate verification of MREID
22.10.2019 (1.1.3, 1.2.3)
- Fix Xpath for carousel extraction
- Add argument for headless (optional)
16.10.2019 (1.1.2)
- Fix Xpath for carousel extraction
11.10.2019 (1.1.1)
- Enhance extraction of MREID from SERP (some entity SERPs show MREID differently, now catch 'em all!)
04.10.2019 (1.0.1)
- Fix extraction of MREID from SERP (different approach because of layout change in SERP)
02.10.2019 (1.0)
- Initial Upload
- Functional version
All assets and code are under the GPL v3 License unless specified otherwise.