This program's purpose is to scan a webpage and take relevant data from it that could benfit the user. This project is inspired from the beautiful tourist destinations in India. I want to help anybody who wants to know about various famous tourist destinations in India.
In this project, information about 27 famous tourist destinations in India is provided.
- Ruby
- Nokogiri
- open-uri
- Rubocop
- The app has a welcome screen, which has small introduction to tourism in India.
- User is asked to enter any number between 1 to 27.
- If the input provided by the user is not between 1 to 27, then user is again asked for the input.
- If the input provided by the user is between 1 to 27, then the destination name and details are displayed.
To get this project up and running locally, you must already have little experience working with Ruby and have it installed
Step 1: Clone the repository
'git clone'
Step 2: Move into the project directory
'cd web-scraper'
Step 3: Install necessary dependencies
'bundle install'
Step 4: Run the app
Simply run rspec from the root directory
👤 Author1
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
This project is MIT licensed.