Prometheus exporter for the Mosquitto MQTT message broker.
There is a docker image available:
docker run \
-p 9234:9234 jryberg/mosquitto-exporter:v0.7.4 \
--endpoint tcp://mosquitto:1883
mosquitto-exporter - Prometheus exporter for broker metrics
mosquitto-exporter [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
v0.7.4 (082cef5d97e73778b4452be24a8afbaf9065c703), go1.23.3
Johan Ryberg <[email protected]>
Arturo Reuschenbach Puncernau <[email protected]>
Fabian Ruff <[email protected]>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--endpoint value, -e value Endpoint for the Mosquitto message broker (default: "tcp://") [$BROKER_ENDPOINT]
--bind-address value, -b value Listen address for metrics HTTP endpoint (default: "") [$BIND_ADDRESS]
--user value, -u value Username for the Mosquitto message broker [$MQTT_USER]
--pass value, -p value Password for the User on the Mosquitto message broker [$MQTT_PASS]
--cert value, -c value Location of a TLS certificate .pem file for the Mosquitto message broker [$MQTT_CERT]
--key value, -k value Location of a TLS private key .pem file for the Mosquitto message broker [$MQTT_KEY]
--client-id value, -i value Client id to be used to connect to the Mosquitto message broker [$MQTT_CLIENT_ID]
--reset-metrics, -r Reset metrics when loosing connection to broker (default: true) [$RESET_METRICS]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version