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Global river sampling of MeanDRS discharge and volume simulations for remote sensing observations


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The Earth’s rivers vary in size across several orders of magnitude. Yet, the relative significance of small upstream reaches compared to large downstream rivers in the global water cycle remains unclear, challenging the determination of adequate spatial resolution for observations. Using monthly simulations of river stores and fluxes from the MeanDRS river routing dataset, we sample global rivers by a range of estimated river width thresholds to investigate the intrinsic spatial scales of the global river water cycle. We frame these scale-dependent river dynamics in terms of observational capabilities, assessing how the size of rivers that can be resolved influences our ability to capture key global hydrologic stores and fluxes.

We aim to answer two questions:

  1. What is the intrinsic spatial resolution of global river dynamics?
  2. How can the spatial scale of river processes be used to inform efficient monitoring and modeling strategies of global river stores and fluxes?

Installation with Docker

Installing meandrs-width-sampling is by far the easiest with Docker. This document was written and tested using Docker Community Edition which is available for free and can be installed on a wide variety of operating systems. To install it, follow the instructions in the link provided above.

Note that the experienced users may find more up-to-date installation instructions in Dockerfile.

Download meandrs-width-sampling

Downloading meandrs-width-sampling with Docker can be done using:

$ docker pull jswade1/meandrs-width-sampling

Install packages

With Docker, there is no need to install anymore packages. meandrs-width-sampling is ready to go! To run it, just use:

$ docker run --rm -it jswade1/meandrs-width-sampling

Installation on Debian

This document was written and tested on a machine with a clean image of Debian 11.7.0 ARM64 installed, i.e. no upgrade was performed. Similar steps may be applicable for Ubuntu.

Note that the experienced users may find more up-to-date installation instructions in github_actions_CI.yml.

Download meandrs-width-sampling

First, update package index files:

$ sudo apt-get update

Then make sure that ca-certificates are installed:

$ sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates

Then make sure that git is installed:

$ sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git

Then download meandrs-width-sampling:

$ git clone

Finally, enter the meandrs-width-sampling directory:

$ cd meandrs-width-sampling/

Install APT packages

Software packages for the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) are summarized in requirements.apt and can be installed with apt-get. All packages can be installed at once using:

$ sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $(grep -v -E '(^#|^$)' requirements.apt)

Alternatively, one may install the APT packages listed in requirements.apt one by one, for example:

$ sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python3.9

Also make sure that python3 points to python3.9:

$ sudo rm -f /usr/bin/python3
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.9 /usr/bin/python3

Install Python packages

Python packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) are summarized in requirements.pip and can be installed with pip. But first, let's make sure that the latest version of pip is installed

$ wget
$ sudo python3 --no-cache-dir `grep 'pip==' requirements.pip` `grep 'setuptools==' requirements.pip` `grep 'wheel==' requirements.pip`
$ rm

All packages can be installed at once using:

$ sudo pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.pip

Alternatively, one may install the PyPI packages listed in requirements.pip one by one, for example:

$ sudo pip3 install pandas==1.3.5