Experiments in social networking over WebRTC, using:
- PeerJS
- Cryptico
- Bootstrap and Bootswatch - I apologize a thousand times...
- Hackily written client-side code
Note: This is a proof of concept and exploration rather than a stable, production ready application. Use at your own risk, the code has gremlins that often jump out at you - I'll blame JS instead of my lackluster JS knowledge :)
You can see a running demo at: http://dev.estate/Social-RTC/index.html
Make sure you have NodeJS installed first.
1. Install PeerServer globally
sudo npm install peer -g
Sometimes requires root access
2. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ummjackson/Social-RTC.git
3. Run PeerServer locally
node server.js
4. Fire up the app
open index.html
- Simple connection brokering based on hashes of public keys
- Post propagation across WebRTC with feed GUI implemented