Simple REST API project for Flypay coding test.
Built in top of Silex and Doctrine ORM.
Will return payments processed in the last 24 hours for all locations.
Will return payments processed in the last 24 hours for location with id 1.
Response body will look like this:
"id": 12,
"amount": 10,
"tip": 0.5,
"tableNumber": 17,
"locationId": 1,
"paymentReference": "testPaymentLocation1",
"cardType": "visa",
"processedAt": "2017-09-21 20:29:22.000000",
"customerId": 987554658,
"customerDevice": "iOSDevice"
}, {
"id": 14,
"amount": 10,
"tip": 0,
"tableNumber": 17,
"location_id": 1,
"payment_reference": "testPaymentLocation1",
"card_type": "visa",
"processed_at": "2017-09-21 20:29:22.000000",
"customer_id": 987554658,
"customer_device": null
Will process and store new payments.
A request body like this is expected:
"amount": 10,
"tip": 0.20,
"tableNumber": 17,
"locationId": 2,
"paymentReference": "paymentZxxclHou123b",
"cardType": "visa",
"customerId": 46558978552,
"customerDevice": "androidBlaBlaBlah"
Will return a 201
response code when successfully processed.
If parameters are missing from the request body or are invalid, a 422
response code will be returned.
Clone repository and run composer install
This project requires a MySQL database. To set up, create an emtpy database, import schema.sql and update config.
Web server should have document root on public/index.php.