React Native vCards - vCards JS for use with React Native
Updated for newer versions of expo-file-system. Now listed as a peerDependency.
Create vCards to import contacts into Outlook, iOS, Mac OS, and Android devices from your website or application.
Note that this package requires expo-file-system for saving files. The easy way to install expo-file-system is the following:
expo insatll expo-file-system
Then to install this package, run the following:
expo install react-native-vcards@ --save
Below is a simple example of how to create a basic vCard and how to save it to a file, or view its contents from the console.
import vCard from "react-native-vcards";
//create a new vCard
contact = vCard();
//set properties
contact.firstName = "Eric";
contact.middleName = "J";
contact.lastName = "Nesser";
contact.organization = "ACME Corporation";
contact.workPhone = "312-555-1212";
contact.birthday = new Date("01-01-1985");
contact.title = "Software Developer";
contact.url = "";
contact.note = "Notes on Eric";
//save to file
//get as formatted string
You can embed images in the photo or logo field instead of linking to them from a URL using base64 encoding.
//can be Windows or Linux/Unix path structures, and JPEG, PNG, GIF formats"/path/to/file.png");
The following shows a vCard with everything filled out.
import vCard from "react-native-vcards";
//create a new vCard
contact = vCard();
//set basic properties shown before
contact.firstName = "Eric";
contact.middleName = "J";
contact.lastName = "Nesser";
contact.organization = "ACME Corporation";
//link to image
//or embed image"/path/to/file.jpeg");
contact.workPhone = "312-555-1212";
contact.birthday = new Date("01-01-1985");
contact.title = "Software Developer";
contact.url = "";
contact.workUrl = "https://acme-corporation/enesser";
contact.note = "Notes on Eric";
//set other vitals
contact.nickname = "Scarface";
contact.namePrefix = "Mr.";
contact.nameSuffix = "JR";
contact.gender = "M";
contact.anniversary = new Date("01-01-2004");
contact.role = "Software Development";
//set other phone numbers
contact.homePhone = "312-555-1313";
contact.cellPhone = "312-555-1414";
contact.pagerPhone = "312-555-1515";
// set fax/ facsimile numbers
contact.homeFax = "312-555-1616";
contact.workFax = "312-555-1717";
// set email addresses = "[email protected]";
contact.workEmail = "[email protected]";
//set logo of organization or personal logo (also supports embedding, see above)
//set URL where the vCard can be found
contact.source = "http://mywebpage/myvcard.vcf";
//set address information
contact.homeAddress.label = "Home Address";
contact.homeAddress.street = "123 Main Street"; = "Chicago";
contact.homeAddress.stateProvince = "IL";
contact.homeAddress.postalCode = "12345";
contact.homeAddress.countryRegion = "United States of America";
contact.workAddress.label = "Work Address";
contact.workAddress.street = "123 Corporate Loop\nSuite 500"; = "Los Angeles";
contact.workAddress.stateProvince = "CA";
contact.workAddress.postalCode = "54321";
contact.workAddress.countryRegion = "United States of America";
//set social media URLs
contact.socialUrls["facebook"] = "https://...";
contact.socialUrls["linkedIn"] = "https://...";
contact.socialUrls["twitter"] = "https://...";
contact.socialUrls["flickr"] = "https://...";
contact.socialUrls["custom"] = "https://...";
//you can also embed photos from files instead of attaching via URL"photo.jpg");
contact.version = "3.0"; //can also support 2.1 and 4.0, certain versions only support certain fields
//save to file
const documentPath = rnfs.DocumentDirectoryPath;
//get as formatted string
Contributions are always welcome!
Thanks to mplno, lop-cz, jkrenge.
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Eric J Nesser MIT