A card deck test
You have a deck of 52 cards, comprised of 4 suits (hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds) each with 13 values (Ace, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen and king).
There are four players waiting to play around a table.
The deck arrives in perfect sequence (so, ace of hearts is at the bottom, two of hearts is next, etc. all the way up to king of diamonds on the top).
The task is a simple one. Please create a simple command line program that when executed recreates the scenario above and then performs the following two actions:
Shuffle the cards - We would like to take the deck that is in sequence and shuffle it so that no two cards are still in sequence.
Deal the cards - We would then like to deal seven cards to each player (one card to the each player, then a second card to each player, and so on)
There is no need to necessarily do this in a visual way (for example, simply proving with a test that your deck is shuffled and that the players do now have seven cards will be sufficient)
Install using composer
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/kaiohken1982/CardTest.git"
"require": {
"kaiohken1982/cardtest": "dev-master"
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use \CardTest\Game,
// Stop the script giving time out errors..
// This opens standard in ready for interactive input..
$game = new Game();
$game->setDeck(new Deck());
// Main event loop to capture top level command..
// Print out main menu..
echo "Welcome to Card Game! Select an option..\n\n";
echo " 1) Shuffle Cards\n";
echo " 2) Deal Cards to players\n";
echo " x) Exit\n";
// Decide what menu option to select based on input..
case 1:
echo "Cards are now shuffled";
case 2:
echo "Card dealed to player";
case "x":
Run from console
php index.php
Please note you must be in the module root.
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
If you have xdebug enabled and you want to see code coverage run the command below, it'll create html files in CardTest\tests\data\coverage
./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html data/coverage