npm install --save ravendb
Releases and Changelog - click here
Please find the official documentation on RavenDB Documentation page.
- Require
class from package
const { DocumentStore } = require('ravendb');
or (using ES6 / Typescript imports)
import { DocumentStore } from 'ravendb';
- Initialize document store (you should have one DocumentStore instance per application)
const store = new DocumentStore('', 'databaseName');
- Open a session
const session = store.openSession();
- Call
once you're done:
.then((user) => {
user.password = PBKDF2('new password');
.then(() => session.saveChanges())
.then(() => {
// data is persisted
// you can proceed e.g. finish web request
- async / await
const session = store.openSession();
let user = await session.load('users/1-A');
user.password = PBKDF2('new password');
await session.saveChanges();
- Promises
.then((user) => {
user.password = PBKDF2('new password');
.then(() => session.saveChanges())
.then(() => {
// here session is complete
let product = {
title: 'iPhone X',
price: 999.99,
currency: 'USD',
storage: 64,
manufacturer: 'Apple',
in_stock: true,
last_update: new Date('2017-10-01T00:00:00')
await, 'products/');
console.log(; // Products/1-A
await session.saveChanges();
const product = await session.load('products/1-A');
console.log(product.title); // iPhone X
console.log(; // Products/1-A
const session = store.openSession();
// users/1
// {
// "name": "John",
// "kids": ["users/2", "users/3"]
// }
const user1 = await session
// Document users/1 is going to be pulled along
// with docs referenced in "kids" field within a single request
const user2 = await session.load("users/2"); // this won't call server again
assert.equal(session.advanced.numberOfRequests, 1);
let product = await session.load('products/1-A');
product.in_stock = false;
product.last_update = new Date();
await session.saveChanges();
// ...
product = await session.load('products/1-A');
console.log(product.in_stock); // false
console.log(product.last_update); // 2018-06-05T13:52:31.633Z
- Using entity
let product = await session.load('products/1-A');
await session.delete(product);
await session.saveChanges();
product = await session.load('products/1-A');
console.log(product); // undefined
- Using document ID
await session.delete('products/1-A');
- Use
session method:
By collection:
const query = session.query({ collection: 'products' });
By index name:
const query = session.query({ indexName: 'productsByCategory' });
By index:
const query = session.query(Product, Product_ByName);
Using entity type:
import { User } from "./models";
const query = session.query(User);
- Build up the query - apply conditions, set ordering etc. Query supports chaining calls:
.whereEquals('manufacturer', 'Apple')
.whereEquals('in_stock', true)
.whereBetween('last_update', new Date('2017-10-01T00:00:00'), new Date())
- Finally, you may get query results:
const results = await query.all();
// ...
const firstOne = await query.first(); // gets first result
// ...
const single = await query.single(); // gets single result
// RQL
// from users select name
const userNames = await session.query({ collection: "users" })
// John,Stefanie,Thomas
// RQL
// from users select name, age
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.selectFields([ "name", "age" ])
// [ { name: 'John', age: 30, id: 'users/1-A' },
// { name: 'Stefanie', age: 25, id: 'users/2-A' },
// { name: 'Thomas', age: 25, id: 'users/3-A' } ]
// RQL
// from users select distinct age
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.all(); // [ 25, 30 ]
// RQL
// from users where age = 30
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereEquals("age", 30)
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// kids: [...],
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z } ]
// RQL
// from users where name in ("John", "Thomas")
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereIn("name", ["John", "Thomas"])
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: [...],
// id: 'users/1-A' },
// User {
// name: 'Thomas',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2016-04-24T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/3-A' } ]
// RQL
// from users where startsWith(name, 'J')
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereStartsWith("name", "J")
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// kids: [...],
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z } ]
// RQL
// from users where registeredAt between '2016-01-01' and '2017-01-01'
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereBetween("registeredAt", new Date(2016, 0, 1), new Date(2017, 0, 1))
// [ User {
// name: 'Thomas',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2016-04-24T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/3-A' } ]
// RQL
// from users where age > 29
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereGreaterThan("age", 29);
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: [...],
// id: 'users/1-A' } ]
Checks if the field exists.
// RQL
// from users where exists("age")
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: [...],
// id: 'users/1-A' } ]
// RQL
// from users where kids in ('Mara')
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.containsAll("kids", ["Mara", "Dmitri"]);
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: ["Dmitri", "Mara"]
// id: 'users/1-A' } ]
Performs full-text search.
// RQL
// from users where search(kids, 'Mara')
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.search("kids", "Mara Dmitri");
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: ["Dmitri", "Mara"]
// id: 'users/1-A' } ]
// RQL
// from users where exists(kids) or (age = $p0 and name != $p1)
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereEquals("age", 25)
.whereNotEquals("name", "Thomas")
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: ["Dmitri", "Mara"]
// id: 'users/1-A' },
// User {
// name: 'Stefanie',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2015-07-29T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/2-A' } ]
// RQL
// from users where age != 25
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereEquals("age", 25)
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: ["Dmitri", "Mara"]
// id: 'users/1-A' } ]
// RQL
// from users where age != 25
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereLessThan("age", 30)
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: [ 'Dmitri', 'Mara' ],
// id: 'users/1-A' },
// User {
// name: 'Thomas',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2016-04-24T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/3-A' },
// User {
// name: 'Stefanie',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2015-07-29T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/2-A' } ]
Sets default operator (which will be used if no andAlso()
/ orElse()
was called. Just after query instantiation, OR
is used as default operator. Default operator can be changed only adding any conditions.
// RQL
// from users order by age
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.orderBy("age") // .randomOrdering()
// [ User {
// name: 'Stefanie',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2015-07-29T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/2-A' },
// User {
// name: 'Thomas',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2016-04-24T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/3-A' },
// User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: [ 'Dmitri', 'Mara' ],
// id: 'users/1-A' } ]
Limits the number of result entries to count
// RQL
// from users order by age
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
// [ User {
// name: 'Stefanie',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2015-07-29T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/2-A' },
// User {
// name: 'Thomas',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2016-04-24T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/3-A' } ]
Skips first count
// RQL
// from users order by age
await session.query({ collection: "users" })
// [ User {
// name: 'Thomas',
// age: 25,
// registeredAt: 2016-04-24T22:00:00.000Z,
// id: 'users/3-A' } ]
To obtain query statistics use statistics()
let stats: QueryStatistics;
const results = await session.query({ collection: "users" })
.whereGreaterThan("age", 29)
.statistics(s => stats = s)
// QueryStatistics {
// isStale: false,
// durationInMs: 744,
// totalResults: 1,
// skippedResults: 0,
// timestamp: 2018-09-24T05:34:15.260Z,
// indexName: 'Auto/users/Byage',
// indexTimestamp: 2018-09-24T05:34:15.260Z,
// lastQueryTime: 2018-09-24T05:34:15.260Z,
// resultEtag: 8426908718162809000 }
- returns all results
- first result
- first result, throws error if there's more entries
- returns the count of the results (not affected by take()
const doc = new User({ name: "John" });
// track entity
// get read stream or buffer to store
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream("../photo.png"));
// store attachment using entity, "photo.png", fileStream, "image/png");
// OR using document ID, "photo.png", fileStream, "image/png");
await session.saveChanges();
const attachment = await session.advanced.attachments.get(documentId, "photo.png")
// attachment.details contains information about the attachment:
// {
// name: 'photo.png',
// documentId: 'users/1-A',
// contentType: 'image/png',
// hash: 'MvUEcrFHSVDts5ZQv2bQ3r9RwtynqnyJzIbNYzu1ZXk=',
// changeVector: '"A:3-K5TR36dafUC98AItzIa6ow"',
// size: 4579
// }
// is a Readable
.on("finish", () => next());
await session.advanced.attachments.exists(, "photo.png"));
// true
await session.advanced.attachments.exists(, "not_there.avi"));
// false
// use a loaded entity to determine attachments' names
await session.advanced.attachments.getNames(doc);
// [ { name: 'photo.png',
// hash: 'MvUEcrFHSVDts5ZQv2bQ3r9RwtynqnyJzIbNYzu1ZXk=',
// contentType: 'image/png',
// size: 4579 } ]
// create document with time series
const session = store.openSession();
await{ name: "John" }, "users/1");
const tsf = session.timeSeriesFor("users/1", "heartbeat");
tsf.append(new Date(), 120);
await session.saveChanges();
// load time series by document by given name
const session = store.openSession();
const tsf = session.timeSeriesFor("users/1", "heartbeat");
const heartbeats = await tsf.get();
// create bulk insert instance using DocumentStore instance
const bulkInsert = store.bulkInsert();
// insert your documents
for (const name of ["Anna", "Maria", "Miguel", "Emanuel", "Dayanara", "Aleida"]) {
const user = new User({ name });
// User { name: 'Anna', id: 'users/1-A' }
// User { name: 'Maria', id: 'users/2-A' }
// User { name: 'Miguel', id: 'users/3-A' }
// User { name: 'Emanuel', id: 'users/4-A' }
// User { name: 'Dayanara', id: 'users/5-A' }
// User { name: 'Aleida', id: 'users/6-A' }
// flush data and finish
await bulkInsert.finish();
Listen for database changes e.g. document changes.
const changes = store.changes();
const docsChanges = changes.forAllDocuments();
docsChanges.on("data", change => {
// { type: 'Put',
// id: 'users/1-A',
// collectionName: 'Users',
// changeVector: 'A:2-QCawZTDbuEa4HUBORhsWYA' }
docsChanges.on("error", err => {
// handle errors
const session = store.openSession();
await User({ name: "Starlord" }));
await session.saveChanges();
// ...
// dispose changes instance once you're done
const userStream = await"users/");
// stream() method returns a Readable
userStream.on("data", user => {
// User { name: 'Anna', id: 'users/1-A' }
userStream.on("error", err => {
// handle errors
// create a query
const query = session.query({ collection: "users" }).whereGreaterThan("age", 29);
let stats;
// stream() returns a Readable
// get query stats passing a stats callback to stream() method
const queryStream = await, _ => stats = _);
queryStream.on("data", user => {
// User { name: 'Anna', id: 'users/1-A' }
// get stats using an event listener
queryStream.once("stats", stats => {
// { resultEtag: 7464021133404493000,
// isStale: false,
// indexName: 'Auto/users/Byage',
// totalResults: 1,
// indexTimestamp: 2018-10-01T09:04:07.145Z }
queryStream.on("error", err => {
// handle errors
NOTE: Please make sure revisions are enabled before trying one of the below.
const session = store.openSession();
const user = {
name: "Marcin",
age: 30,
pet: "users/4"
await, "users/1");
await session.saveChanges();
// modify the document to create a new revision = "Roman";
user.age = 40;
await session.saveChanges();
// get revisions
const revisions = await session.advanced.revisions.getFor("users/1");
// [ { name: 'Roman',
// age: 40,
// pet: 'users/4',
// '@metadata': [Object],
// id: 'users/1' },
// { name: 'Marcin',
// age: 30,
// pet: 'users/4',
// '@metadata': [Object],
// id: 'users/1' } ]
// users collection
// [ User {
// name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: 2017-11-10T23:00:00.000Z,
// kids: [Array],
// id: 'users/1-A' },
// and a static index like:
class UsersIndex extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
constructor() {
super();, doc => {
return {
// ...
const session = store.openSession();
const suggestionQueryResult = await session.query(User, UsersIndex)
.suggestUsing(x => x.byField("name", "Jon"))
// { name: { name: 'name', suggestions: [ 'john' ] } }
session.advanced.increment("users/1", "age", 1);
// increments *age* field by 1
session.advanced.patch("users/1", "underAge", false);
// sets *underAge* field to *false*
await session.saveChanges();
// create a subscription
const subscriptionName = await store.subscriptions.create({
query: "from users where age >= 30"
// get subscription worker for your subscription
const subscription = store.subscriptions.getSubscriptionWorker({ subscriptionName });
subscription.on("error", err => {
// handle errors
subscription.on("batch", (batch, callback) => {
try {
// do batch processing on batch.items
// batch.items:
// [ Item {
// changeVector: 'A:2-r6nkF5nZtUKhcPEk6/LL+Q',
// id: 'users/1-A',
// rawResult:
// { name: 'John',
// age: 30,
// registeredAt: '2017-11-11T00:00:00.0000000',
// kids: [Array],
// '@metadata': [Object],
// id: 'users/1-A' },
// rawMetadata:
// { '@collection': 'Users',
// '@nested-object-types': [Object],
// 'Raven-Node-Type': 'User',
// '@change-vector': 'A:2-r6nkF5nZtUKhcPEk6/LL+Q',
// '@id': 'users/1-A',
// '@last-modified': '2018-10-18T11:15:51.4882011Z' },
// exceptionMessage: undefined } ]
// ...
// call the callback, once you're done
} catch(err) {
// if processing fails for a particular batch
// pass the error to the callback
In order to comfortably use object literals as entities set the function getting collection name based on the content of the object - store.conventions.findCollectionNameForObjectLiteral()
const store = new DocumentStore(urls, database);
store.conventions.findCollectionNameForObjectLiteral = entity => entity["collection"];
// ...
This needs to be done before an initialize()
call on DocumentStore
instance. If you fail to do so, your entites will land up in @empty collection having an UUID for an ID. E.g.
- Define your model as class. Attributes should be just public properties:
export class Product {
id = null,
title = '',
price = 0,
currency = 'USD',
storage = 0,
manufacturer = '',
in_stock = false,
last_update = null
) {
Object.assign(this, {
last_update: last_update || new Date()
- To store a document pass its instance to
. Collection name will be detected automatically using entity's class name.
import { Product } from "./models";
let product = new Product(
null, 'iPhone X', 999.99, 'USD', 64, 'Apple', true, new Date('2017-10-01T00:00:00'));
product = await;
console.log(product instanceof Product); // true
console.log('products/')); // true
await session.saveChanges();
- When loading document, you can use
. Pass class constructor as a second argument:
let product = await session.load('products/1-A', Product);
console.log(product instanceof Product); // true
console.log(; // Products/1-A
NOTE: To limit passing class constructors around, register the type in document store's conventions like so:
import { Product } from "./models";
const store = new DocumentStore(url, dbName);
// ...
let product = await session.load('products/1-A');
console.log(product instanceof Product); // true
console.log(; // Products/1-A
- When querying documents, you pass class constructor as
option ofsession.query({ ... })
let products = await session.query({
collection: 'products',
documentType: Product // you can drop this if type has been registered in conventions using store.conventions.registerEntityType()
products.forEach((product) => {
console.log(product instanceof Product); // true
console.log('Products/')); // true
TypeScript typings are embedded into the package (see types
property in package.json
// file models/product.ts
export class Product {
public id: string = null,
public title: string = '',
public price: number = 0,
public currency: string = 'USD',
public storage: number = 0,
public manufacturer: string = '',
public in_stock: boolean = false,
public last_update: Date = null
) {}
// file app.ts
import {Product} from "models/product";
import {DocumentStore, IDocumentStore, IDocumentSession, IDocumentQuery, DocumentConstructor, QueryOperators} from 'ravendb';
const store: IDocumentStore = new DocumentStore('url', 'database name');
let session: IDocumentSession;
(async (): Promise<void> => {
let product = new Product(
null, 'iPhone X', 999.99, 'USD', 64, 'Apple', true, new Date('2017-10-01T00:00:00')
await session.saveChanges();
console.log(product instanceof Product); // true
console.log('products/')); // true
product = await session.load<Product>('products/1-A');
console.log(product instanceof Product); // true
console.log(; // products/1-A
let products: Product[] = await session
.query<Product>({ collection: 'Products' })
.whereEquals('manufacturer', 'Apple')
.whereEquals('in_stock', true)
.whereBetween('last_update', new Date('2017-10-01T00:00:00'), new Date())
.whereGreaterThanOrEqual('storage', 64)
products.forEach((product: Product): void => {
console.log(product instanceof Product); // true
console.log('products/')); // true
- Fill auth options object. Pass contents of the pem/pfx certificate, specify its type and (optionally) a passphrase:
const {DocumentStore, Certificate} = require('ravendb');
const certificate = `
let authOptions = {
type: "pem",
password: "my passphrase" // optional
PFX certificates content should be passed as Buffer
const {DocumentStore} = require('ravendb');
const fs = require('fs');
const certificate = './cert.pfx';
let authOptions = {
certificate: fs.readFileSync(certificate),
type: "pfx",
password: 'my passphrase' // optional
- Pass auth options as third argument to
let store = new DocumentStore('url', 'databaseName', authOptions);
npm install
npm run build
# To run the suite one needs to set the following environment variables:
# - the location of RavenDB server binary:
# RAVENDB_TEST_SERVER_PATH="C:\\work\\test\\Server\\Raven.Server.exe"
# - certificate path for tests requiring secure server
# RAVENDB_TEST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_PATH="C:\\work\\test\\cluster.server.certificate.pfx"
# - certificate hostname
npm test