🔭 I’m currently working on Secure Corporate Apps using OpenSource.
🌱 I’m currently learning Figma, Framer, Azure, AWS and ELK Stack
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Start-up's and Interesting Projects
🤝 I’m looking for help with UI, UX and Backend Development
💬 Ask me about UI, UX, App Sec, Cloud, AI, Infrastructure, Azure, Datacenters
Current work:
- Powershell - Get Nuget and Set Nuget API URL for Windows - https://github.com/kambasana/Scripts/blob/17c957eaf967f72cfa80a0683c24cb981deabbf5/NugetWinSet.ps1
- Powershell move Outlook OST to new drive- https://github.com/kambasana/Scripts/blob/17c957eaf967f72cfa80a0683c24cb981deabbf5/Outlook.ps1