Uses Scala in all core services. fs2 + cats heavy. Some http4s and unfiltered-directives for API's. Doobie for DB stuff. No more Akka...
Uses Scala in parts of the applications and web services in their application portfolio.
Uses Scala in all core services and applications.
Uses Scala in the core support system for managing online and classroom trainings
Uses Scala in several core services in their micro service architecture
Uses Scala in several core services
Uses Scala in most core services and applications.
Uses Scala in multiple applications and IoT devices
Uses Scala with a focus on functional programming style. Uses Finatra, Doobie, Circe and Akka (per November 2017).
Nevion (Real-time media transport and processing solutions to broadcasters, telecom service providers, etc. / Oslo) Uses Scala in a functional programming style in their scalable and reactive "media service and network management system" (VideoIPath).
Uses Scala in API's
Uses Scala on some backend components. Uses Scala in several core services and in most smaller microservices and internal webservices. Uses the Scala libraries Cats, http4s, Circe, Doobie, Lift. Uses Scala in all new services, and has replaced some core legacy applications with Scala. Uses scala for main backend components.
Unit -- Direktoratet for IKT og fellestjenester i høyere utdanning og forskning (public sector / Oslo)
Uses Scala in several services (,, and upcomming Nasjonal vitnemålsdatabase)