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The minimum recommended setup for an application using Cesium with Webpack.

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Running this application

npm install
npm start

Navigate to localhost:8080.

Available scripts
  • npm start - Runs a webpack build with webpack.config.js and starts a development server
  • npm run build - Runs a webpack build with webpack.config.js
  • npm run release - Runs an optimized webpack build with webpack.release.config.js
  • npm run serve-release - Runs an optimized webpack build with webpack.release.config.js and starts a development server

We've included two webpack configuration files in this repository. webpack.config.js contains the minimum recommended configuration for getting setup and configuration for running the development server. webpack.release.config.js contains an optimized configuration for production use.

Requiring Cesium in your application

Using either the build or release configurations provided, there are several ways to include Cesium in your application. There is the CommonJS style syntax which uses require, and the newer ES6 style syntax which uses the import keyword. Both are supported by webpack.

You can also include all modules under the global Cesium object using Cesium.js, or the individual modules. Requiring individual modules is preferred, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and better performance in your application. See the Performance Configurations section for more information on improving performance in your application.

CommonJS require

Require specific modules from Cesium (preferred over global)
var Color = require('cesium/Core/Color');
var c = Color.fromRandom();
Require the global Cesium object
var Cesium = require('cesium/Cesium');
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
Require Cesium static asset files


ES6 style import

Import specific modules specific modules from Cesium (preferred over global)
import Color from 'cesium/core/Color';
var c = Color.fromRandom();
Import the global Cesium object
import Cesium from 'cesium/Cesium';
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
Import Cesium static asset files
import 'cesium/Widgets/widgets.css';

import 'cesium/Assets/Textures/pin.svg';

Using another Cesium location

We've set the cesiumSource location to be the contents of the Cesium npm module.

var cesiumSource = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/cesium/Source');

If, however, you want to use a different version of Cesium— for example, if you've cloned the Cesium source code directly— just set the Cesium location to the appropriate path.

var cesiumSource = path.resolve(__dirname, '../path/to/cesium/Source');

You could even point to a branch in GitHub or another url in your package.json file.

Source maps

Enable source maps in development for easier debugging. They are only available when using the development server. There are many options available. The one suggested here is eval for a balance of fast build and rebuild time and allowing evaluation of the webpack generated code.

Source maps can be enabled with the following config object:

devTool: `eval`

Performance configurations

The following optimizations are recommended for building for production and will increase performance and result in smaller bundle sizes. An example of these configurations can be found in webpack.release.config.js.

For best performance, make sure you are requiring individual modules from Cesium instead of the global Cesium object. Additionally, copy only the static assets that your app requires with the CopyWebpackPlugin by taking advantage of the pattern options.

Bundle size comparisons

Here is a comparison of the size of the separated cesium.js bundle for release and build configurations, for using the global Cesium object and including individual modules for the Hello World viewer.

build release 'build' (gzipped) release (gzipped)
Cesium object 9.91 MB 2.82 MB 1.64 MB 745 kB
modules 7.43 MB 1.91 MB 1.17 MB 513 kB
Removing pragmas

To remove pragmas such as a traditional Cesium release build, use the strip-pragma-loader.

Install the plugin with npm,

npm install strip-pragma-loader --save-dev

and include the loader in module.rules with debug set to false.

rules: [{
	test: /\.js$/,
	enforce: 'pre',
	include: path.resolve(__dirname, cesiumSource),
	use: [{
		loader: 'strip-pragma-loader',
		options: {
		    pragmas: {
				debug: false
Uglify and minify

Compress the final size of the bundle by minifying included JavaScript using UglifyJS with the uglifyjs-webpack-plugin.

Install the plugin,

npm install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin --save-dev

require it,

const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');

and include it in the list of plugins.

plugins: [
	new UglifyJsPlugin()

Additionally, minify the CSS files when loaded with the css-loader

module: {
	rules: [
		test: /\.css$/,
		use: [ 
				loader: 'css-loader',
				options: {
					minimize: true


Pull requests are appreciated. Please use the same Contributor License Agreement (CLA) used for Cesium.

Developed by the Cesium team.



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